4 days ago

Friends of Karori Cemetery: Upcoming Tours

Julia Kennedy from Friends of Karori Cemetery

Drum roll please ... our tours for July are:

Treasures From the Gully | Sunday 7 July 10:30am

Tour through a very atmospheric part of the cemetery, with an eclectic mix of stories on an artist, photographer, hat manufacturer, prison reformer and many more! Come and enjoy the beauty of one of the most mystical places in the Cemetery with entertaining stories along the way.

Evening Tour | Friday 12 July 8:00pm

Would you like to join us and explore the beauty of Karori Cemetery in the evening?
This tour is for anyone who would like to see the Cemetery through a different lens, as the landscape settles in from dusk to darkness. On this walk you'll be accompanied by two guides who will take you on a wander through some of the most magical parts of the cemetery, with a story or two of early Wellingtonians along the route.

Tours cost $10 per person + booking fee.
To book your spot, please visit our ticketing website:


More messages from your neighbours
4 days ago

The Human Impact of the Flight Path Change - Greg's Story

Plane Sense from Plane Sense

Neighbour - Greg, suffered a traumatic brain injury 20 years ago and has not been able to work since the injury. He battles continuously with hyper-sensitivity to noise and brain fatigue which is hugely affected by noise. He bought a house in the quiet northern suburbs to help him manage these symptoms. The DMAPs flight path change has worsened his condition, which is severe and affects everything he does.

Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

Read Greg's story here - www.planesensewellington.com...

7 hours ago

It’s not about whose turn it is. It’s about an unfair and unprofessional process that lacks integrity.

Plane Sense from Plane Sense

We are holding to account Wellington Airport, Airways, the Civil Aviation Authority and Wellington City Council (as a current Airport shareholder).

A proper consultation process didn't happen before the implementation of DMAPs. We are arguing a lack of fair process before change. If the residents had been consulted before the change, they could have had a say before the status quo for the last 60 years was altered. Those residents who knew a change in noise would be an issue for them and their health could have had their say and been considered.

Plane Sense represents everyday Wellingtonians. There are public health, legal and safety concerns with the DMAPs flight path change.

Plane Sense is fundraising to commence a judicial review. Find out more and support us today.

Full FAQ here - www.planesensewellington.com....

4 days ago

Poll: Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Times have changed and perhaps so has our societal rules around taking off hats when indoors. What are your thoughts?

Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?
  • 75.1% Yes, take them off indoors
    75.1% Complete
  • 23.9% No, it's not anymore
    23.9% Complete
  • 1% Other - I'll share below
    1% Complete
3706 votes