A Tsunami Warning has been issued following the M8.0 earthquake north-east of New Zealand near KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION.
People near coast from BAY OF ISLANDS to WHANGAREI including GREAT BARRIER ISLAND and from MATATA to TOLAGA BAY must MOVE IMMEDIATELY to nearest high ground, out of all tsunami evacuation zones, or as far inland as possible. Evacuate these areas even if you did not feel the earthquake. DO NOT WAIT. A damaging tsunami is possible.
People in all other areas who felt a LONG or STRONG earthquake should MOVE IMMEDIATELY to the nearest high ground, out of tsunami evacuation zones, or as far inland as possible.
This evacuation advice overrides the current COVID-19 Alert Level requirements. Do not stay at home. MOVE IMMEDIATELY. Stay 2 metres away from others if you can and if it is safe to do so.
People evacuating should walk, run or cycle if possible to reduce chance of getting stuck in traffic. Do not return until all-clear is given by Civil Defence.
Go to www.civildefence.govt.nz... for the most up to date information.
PLEASE SHARE THIS INFO with friends, family, neighbours!

Warning: These riddles might blow your mind🤯 Try them if you dare! 🚀
What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing?
Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene
Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

Do you have a great recipe for pears?
Kia ora neighbours. We give away free copies to readers whose recipes are used in our magazine, and we're still on the hunt for pear recipes! Send your family's favourite way to use up this delicious fruit, to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, by the end of this week . If we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of the April issue.