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Reporter Community News
Hi Neighbourly folk. You would have seen an article in your local paper on Te Omanga Hospice. It is a really tough time for charities at the moment and hospices, like Te Omanga are struggling.
Have you thought about making a donation to your favourite charity?
The Team from NZ Compare
Now, more than ever, a great broadband connection is vital to all Kiwis! Our lives have changed so much over the past few years with many of us now working from home.
Hyperfibre delivers insane speeds that most Kiwis can’t even imagine! Whether it’s for work, study, streaming or playing … View moreNow, more than ever, a great broadband connection is vital to all Kiwis! Our lives have changed so much over the past few years with many of us now working from home.
Hyperfibre delivers insane speeds that most Kiwis can’t even imagine! Whether it’s for work, study, streaming or playing your favourite video games, Hyperfibre is going to give you the smoothest experience possible.
Feel the need for speed? Hyperfibre has launched on Broadband Compare. Go check it out now and see if it's right for you!
More than 400 weather stations around the world exceeded their record temperatures last year!
As one of the hottest years to date, there is an urgency to adapt our homes to these extreme events! Using resilient building materials can mitigate the effect of these events!
Check out our … View moreMore than 400 weather stations around the world exceeded their record temperatures last year!
As one of the hottest years to date, there is an urgency to adapt our homes to these extreme events! Using resilient building materials can mitigate the effect of these events!
Check out our residential property report for insight into your property’s potential risks in the future!
60 replies (Members only)
Reporter Community News
Who knows who these four young men are and the significance of the photo?
12 replies (Members only)
Reporter Community News
Transmission Gully will open soon, resulting in thousands of more cars and trucks using State Highway 58. Work, upgrading the road, is continuing but both Hutt mayors, Campbell Barry and Wayne Guppy, are concerned about safety.
What impact will Transmission Gully have on roads in the Hutt Valley … View moreTransmission Gully will open soon, resulting in thousands of more cars and trucks using State Highway 58. Work, upgrading the road, is continuing but both Hutt mayors, Campbell Barry and Wayne Guppy, are concerned about safety.
What impact will Transmission Gully have on roads in the Hutt Valley and is SH 58 safe?
Tell us what you think and remember to put NFP if you do not want your comments used by Stuff.
We are excited to be able to offer the residents of Upper Hutt two amazing new services that are good for our health and the environment - Mahinga Kai Gardens and Mahinga Kai Composting
1. Several gardens around the city, all producing nutrient rich, naturally fertilised spray-free vegetables. … View moreWe are excited to be able to offer the residents of Upper Hutt two amazing new services that are good for our health and the environment - Mahinga Kai Gardens and Mahinga Kai Composting
1. Several gardens around the city, all producing nutrient rich, naturally fertilised spray-free vegetables. Initially Upper Hutt residents can purchase these vegetables through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) system. Support a local farmer and a local family.
2. A Composting Program where we collect kitchen green waste from homes or businesses.
If you are interested in joining please visit -
Find out more
Reporter Community News
Rosa Marie, who often supplies pictures for Friday Feathered Friend, took this picture last night as the storm rolled in to the Hutt Valley.
Did anyone get any lightning shots?
The Team from NZ Compare
NZ Compare proudly employ a workforce of incredibly talented and devoted individuals, who make up our website and technology development team. These individuals are based through out the Ukraine.
Like the rest of the world, we have been closely monitoring the terrible events unfolding in … View moreNZ Compare proudly employ a workforce of incredibly talented and devoted individuals, who make up our website and technology development team. These individuals are based through out the Ukraine.
Like the rest of the world, we have been closely monitoring the terrible events unfolding in Ukraine and are in daily meetings with our staff to confirm their safety and well-being.
Our wonderful developers are facing a climate of unpredictability, we felt it was our responsibility to ensure you, our wonderful Neighbours were both aware and understanding that this environment may cause delays to the many projects we have in the works for 2022.
To show support of our brilliant team, we have temporarily changed our logo on our NZ Compare website. WHICH has also been recently refreshed and looking better than ever thanks to this very team! Go check it out!
Matū supports Kiwis to turn ground-breaking scientific and tech ideas into IP-rich companies. Their current portfolio of 13 companies has delivered an unrealised return on deployed capital of over 85% with a strong pipeline of upcoming investment opportunities.
Now Matū is raising a target of… View moreMatū supports Kiwis to turn ground-breaking scientific and tech ideas into IP-rich companies. Their current portfolio of 13 companies has delivered an unrealised return on deployed capital of over 85% with a strong pipeline of upcoming investment opportunities.
Now Matū is raising a target of $500k via Catalist to further support awesome Kiwi science and technology, offering a unique opportunity for Kiwis to buy into the rapidly growing deep tech sector. Our deep tech companies have big potential for growth, and so can your investment. Invest today at
Find out more
We have a pool of $37,000 to help community-led arts projects in Upper Hutt. For information on eligibility and how to apply, head to
Applications close 28 March 2022
Find out more
Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing
Dear neighbours,
Every month, NZ Gardener runs a series of tested reader recipes using a seasonal crop. We are now on the hunt for walnut recipes, so send your best ones to before March 28, 2022.
Every published recipe wins a copy of our special edition Homegrown Recipes.
Reporter Community News
Colin Bailey remains a role model and trailblazer for people with Down syndrome, 40 years after he became New Zealand’s first ever Special Olympics athlete.
Bailey, with plenty of help from Grant Quinn, made history at the Special Olympics World Summer Games, in Baton Rouge, in 1983.
Reporter Community News
Karren Davenport from Masterton is the proud mum of two news kittens, Max and Billie Jean.
Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on with a recent photo. Please remember to say which suburb you live in.
11 replies (Members only)
Since 1999, our residents and team members have raised more than $5 million for charities across New Zealand and Australia.
Supporting fellow pioneers isn’t new. It’s in our DNA. Learn more about becoming our charity partner for 2022/23.
Apply now.
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Reporter Community News
Bali, Sydney, London or Paris. With travel restrictions starting to ease, is it time to start thinking about heading overseas?
Tell us what you think and if you are heading overseas, where are you thinking of going?
Remember if you do not want your comments used by Stuff, please put NFP.
24 replies (Members only)
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