293 days ago

Beware of this email scam

The Team from New Zealand Police

An email scam has re-emerged that references Police and other justice sector partners.

The email claims authorities have done a search of the email recipient’s computer locating explicit illegal material, and that a reply is needed within 48 hours or a warrant will be issued for their arrest.

This email is a scam and anyone who receives it should not reply under any circumstances. Although some versions of the email do not specifically reference money, other similar scams involve the recipient being issued a ‘fine’ when they respond. Police have received several reports of this scam and enquiries are underway.

It’s important to note that Police and other government agencies will never contact you out of the blue and ask for your password, credit card or bank details.
Anyone who received this email scam is asked to send it as an attachment in an email to the Police Cybercrime Team: cybercrime@police.govt.nz

Police recommend taking a cautious approach to unsolicited emails.
- Trust your gut instinct - if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
- Information on other scams currently operating can be found on the Consumer Protection website.
- Netsafe can also provide some helpful advice about keeping safe online.

More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

Can you figure this one out?

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What tastes better than it smells?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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14 hours ago

Poll: Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Times have changed and perhaps so has our societal rules around taking off hats when indoors. What are your thoughts?

Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?
  • 73.1% Yes, take them off indoors
    73.1% Complete
  • 26% No, it's not anymore
    26% Complete
  • 0.9% Other - I'll share below
    0.9% Complete
872 votes
11 hours ago

Residents ‘dig’ Ryman’s Trees for Fees initiative

Hilda Ross Retirement Village

With 500 trees now newly-planted on a slope in a Whitford farm paddock, Ryman Healthcare is well on the way to fulfilling its promise of a more sustainable invoicing process.

For every resident who switches from paper to email invoicing, Ryman has pledged to plant a tree, and has partnered with Trees for Survival Charitable Trust to achieve this goal.

Click read more for the full story.
