1968 days ago

Passionate about critical thinking?

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi

The Bachelor of Humanities awaits you!

Meet Christina Nuku who graduated with a double major in Indigenous Studies and Policy. Through Awanuiārangi, Christina went on a 3-month indigenous knowledge exchange programme at the University of Northern British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

She shares “the exchange connected me with the Nisga’a people, First Nations tribal systems, communities and Hauora programmes. It informed my studies and opened my mind. It was a genuine privilege to connect with the tangata whenua there, and an opportunity I would never otherwise have had”

Open your mind too! Study with us in 2020.
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More messages from your neighbours
18 days ago

Do you have a great recipe for pears?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Kia ora neighbours. We give away free copies to readers whose recipes are used in our magazine, and we're still on the hunt for pear recipes! Send your family's favourite way to use up this delicious fruit, to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, by the end of this week . If we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of the April issue.

10 days ago

Let’s help you choose the perfect domain for your business.


Choosing the right domain name is a game-changer for your business.

But where do you even start? 🤔

Whether you're launching your first website or taking your side hustle to the next level, we’ve got you covered! JumpStarter’s guide breaks down everything you need to know — how to pick a domain that’s memorable, easy to find, and perfect for your brand.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!
Find out more

12 days ago

Reinstating carpet around built in cupboards

Jane from Mount Maunganui

We’re looking for someone who can do a small job of reinstating carpet around our new built in cupboards.
Please call ph 021243 6336 - thanks 😊