Product recalls
These items have been recalled this month. If you have one of these items at home, click on the title to see the details to ensure it is not a risk to your household.
Food recalls:
All Good Oat Milk (Possible presence of Bacillus cereus)
Pies and sausage roll products - Good Time, Hub Gourmet and No.8 Premium brands
Value range Natural Almonds
South African shop Safari Meats - Biltong, Cabanossi, Droëwors and cured meats
Te Matuku oyster products (Risk of norovirus)
Product recalls:
Olimpia Splendid fan heaters
Euroblade Suntower Infared heater
Bobcat mower with recalled engines
Kids MGA Miniverse Make-it sets
Fisher Price baby gift set
Vehicle recalls can be found here.
We hope this message was helpful in keeping you and your family safe.

On the range
Venetian plaster finishes are on-trend at the moment, so why not recreate this look at home and cover that unsightly rangehood at the same time? Find out how to create your own with Resene Sandtex and these easy step by step instructions.

Today’s Mind-Bender is the Last of the Year! Can You Guess It Before Everyone Else?
You have me today, Tomorrow you'll have more;
As your time passes, I'm not easy to store;
I don't take up space, But I'm only in one place;
I am what you saw, But not what you see.
What am I?
Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.
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