174 days ago

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

MetService have issued a severe thunderstorm watch for Northland and Auckland until 7pm. They warn of the risk of surface flooding and/or flash flooding

The National Emergency Management Agency advises that as storms approach you should:
- Take shelter, preferably indoors away from windows;
- Avoid sheltering under trees, if outside;
- Get back to land, if outdoors on the water;
- Move cars under cover or away from trees;
- Secure any loose objects around your property;
- Check that drains and gutters are clear;
- Be ready to slow down or stop, if driving.
During and after the storm, you should also:
- Beware of fallen trees and power lines;
- Avoid streams and drains as you may be swept away in flash flooding

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1 day ago

Could the jury service process be improved?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Every year, thousands of New Zealanders are called up to serve as jurors in the High and District Courts, and it's an important way to contribute to your country.

But for some, jury service can be a huge disruption and a financial burden. Do you think changes could be made to our jury service system to address these challenges?

1 day ago

Think on this...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What's ahead of you but can’t be seen?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

Want to stop seeing riddles in your newsfeed? No worries! Simply head here and click once on the Following button.

1 day ago

A great play and a great review

Bill Fenton from Whangarei Repertory Society Inc

Hello everyone... the following review was penned by Catherine McNamara after seeing Storm in a Bottle currently playing at the Octagon Theatre.
Yes, there are still some seats available if you look on the Octagon Theatre web site.
There's a cracking new play just opened at the Octagon Theatre in Whangarei. Inspired by wild weather events, local writer Cameron Tor has managed to arrange a well-balanced bluster of emotions within the confines of a mountain hut. The setting is perfect for a rerun of ancient family history with perfectly played protagonists Peter and Nico trapped in trauma while the unbothered causes of chaos, mum and dad and the success story of the family, brother Lewis make cameo appearances of depth and hilarity. Tor is in control of all his material, managing to write a last act that startled the group of seasoned English teachers within the audience, who staggered from the charming vintage theatre with tears in their eyes, or rain, or something. I highly recommend seeing it.
Thank you Catherine