Feed a family for $30
Over 135, 000 kiwi kids are living in households without basic food in the house. And 4 in 10 families that live in poverty are the working poor. This means many New Zealanders struggle to put food on the table at Christmas.
Since 2001, we have delivered almost 100,000 Christmas Boxes to families in need throughout New Zealand. By giving $30, you can help us to bring over 15,000 boxes of food to kiwi families this Christmas. 100% of your donation goes directly to feed a family.

Best way to use leftovers?
I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.
What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.

Fair play
Whether it’s a playhouse, she shed or teenager’s sleepout, a stencil-painted floor in Resene Clockwork Orange will elevate it from meh to wow. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.