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Want to declutter your garage? Buy some used household items? Give away some garden stuff? Become a verified neighbour to browse and post items for sale. Trading is simple when everyone lives nearby.
Aorangi, Bunnythorpe, Feilding, Foxton Beach, Halcombe, Milson, Foxton, Bulls - Sanson, Glen Oroua, Himatangi, Linton, Marton, Highbury - Westbrook, Kairanga, Awapuni, TangimoanaHave a browse...
Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.
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You may receive an email confirmation for any offer you selected. The associated companies will contact you directly to activate your requests.
Our General Practice teams across MidCentral are still available to help you stay well. Check out how we are changing our services to stay connected with you and your whānau.
Phone and video consultations:
Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and other health professionals will be using telephone and … View moreOur General Practice teams across MidCentral are still available to help you stay well. Check out how we are changing our services to stay connected with you and your whānau.
Phone and video consultations:
Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and other health professionals will be using telephone and video consultations. Your GP or nurse practitioner will advise you whether you need to visit them in person.
Connecting through your patient portal:
Many General Practices offer a patient portal. These are safe, secure ways to communicate with your General Practice. You may be able to; email your GP, nurse practitioner or long-term conditions nurse, check your what medicines you are on, check recent laboratory results or request simple repeat prescriptions.
For more information on how to stay connected with General Practices across the MidCentral districts go to:
Stay connected
Hi Neighbours, Roscos Bulk Yard will be open for business from April 28th, you can phone in for orders to be delivered or just come on down to the yard and pick up your garden and landscape supplies, we will be operating a drive through system under level 3 so a few things will be different when … View moreHi Neighbours, Roscos Bulk Yard will be open for business from April 28th, you can phone in for orders to be delivered or just come on down to the yard and pick up your garden and landscape supplies, we will be operating a drive through system under level 3 so a few things will be different when you get here just follow the signage and the load drivers instructions. We will NOT be taking Green waste at this time. Check out our web site for more info. Stay safe.
Cheers Rosco
Kelly Dennett Reporter from Sunday Star Times
The Sunday Star-Times is looking to speak to a patient who has recently had some experience of the health system - either receiving treatment in a hospital or clinic or at an ED - and would be willing to talk about their experience, and how it could have been made better, either by shorter wait … View moreThe Sunday Star-Times is looking to speak to a patient who has recently had some experience of the health system - either receiving treatment in a hospital or clinic or at an ED - and would be willing to talk about their experience, and how it could have been made better, either by shorter wait times, better communication or level of care. We'd need you to be happy to be identified and photographed (from a distance). If you think you can help, please email senior journalist Andrea Vance on
Hi everyone, the EASIE Living online store is open so you can get essential independent living products from us at this time. That includes things like continence products, mobility aids, and safety equipment.
Our physical store is closed, but if you'd rather not buy online we're also… View moreHi everyone, the EASIE Living online store is open so you can get essential independent living products from us at this time. That includes things like continence products, mobility aids, and safety equipment.
Our physical store is closed, but if you'd rather not buy online we're also taking orders over the phone (06 353 2743), or by email ( Just leave your name, phone number and details of what you want to buy and we'll be in touch.
You can pay via credit card or internet banking. We miss seeing your friendly faces, but we're working hard to deliver the same great service this way.
Stay safe,
Demelsa, Kelly and Lesley - the EASIE Living team.
Find out more
Colleen Hawkes Reporter from Homed
Following on from yesterday's tiny house story, here's single mum Shaye sharing her experience in isolation
64 replies (Members only)
Colleen Hawkes Reporter from Homed
Tiny house builders have had a surge in interest during the lockdown, some from families that are 'herding'
199 replies (Members only)
Over the next few weeks, THINK Hauora will contact thousands of people across the MidCentral District on behalf of General Practice clinics. If you belong to a practice which offers a portal, you can expect an email from THINK Hauora inviting you to register online.
Almost one million New … View moreOver the next few weeks, THINK Hauora will contact thousands of people across the MidCentral District on behalf of General Practice clinics. If you belong to a practice which offers a portal, you can expect an email from THINK Hauora inviting you to register online.
Almost one million New Zealanders already use a patient portal to connect with their General Practice team without coming into the practice. Here are a few services which may be offered through your General Practice portal:
● Request repeat prescriptions
● View laboratory results such as blood tests
● See your current diagnosis, medications and medical conditions
● Send and receive secure messages between you and your General Practice.
If you are offered Patient Portal services – say YES!
Check out how THINK Hauora is helping communities stay connected with their General Practice teams here
Find out more
Cynthia from Foxton
In the town of Wuhan some germs from an animal
Made a big leap and infected a few
Nobody thought it would be a pandemic
And now the whole world’s in a hullabaloo
It didn’t take long for the germs to go global
In planes and trains and cruises by sea
Now locked in our homes and trying to stay … View moreIn the town of Wuhan some germs from an animal
Made a big leap and infected a few
Nobody thought it would be a pandemic
And now the whole world’s in a hullabaloo
It didn’t take long for the germs to go global
In planes and trains and cruises by sea
Now locked in our homes and trying to stay sober
We can’t even watch the live sports on TV
Six long months in isolation. Six long months doing nothing at all
Six long months in isolation, this feckin lockdown is driving me up the wall
I tried to go out, got sent back in again, I went out again, straight back in again
Sick to death of this social distancing, finish the lockdown for once and for all
The experts say keep two metres distance
And never together in couples and groups
And eating at home is a fecking disaster,
Getting fat as a fool eating pastas and soups
Now in the UK the virus was active and got the prime minister in number 10
I hope Boris Johnson recovers completely, so we can call him a dickhead again.
Now Trump took it lightly; “ there’s no need to panic
We’re under control, tis only a flu”
So, he finally did what he promised the voters
America is First in the infections too
3 long years of Trump as president, 3 long years there was nothing at all
Talking shite and blaming China
When Mexico begs him to finish the wall
The end is in sight and the curve it is flattening
Lifting the Lockdown is yet to be seen
Washing your hands and staying at home
Is the only solution for Covid Nineteen
Six long months in isolation
The planet has never looked greener before
But back to the grind to pay off the mortgage
The world just won’t be the same anymore
unknown author but off the internet as a song
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