381 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Nicholas Boyack Reporter from Community News

Words and pic from Rosa Marie.

"A magical afternoon spent at Silverstream today! A good variety of birds to be seen too! As we got out of the car in the driving range, a kotāre was sitting on the power line to welcome us!
It was funny that Clive and I were just talking about me having seen a magpie taking a bath in the water when I last visited, then a few minutes later after watching 3 kereru and 2 magpies who had been fighting each other earlier on, all sitting in the same tree together, suddenly one of the magpie decided to hop into the water and take a bath much to our delight! There was also a chaffinch taking a bath further up the stream."

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5 hours ago

The Sunday Star-Times Winter Puzzle Comp is Back!

Winter Puzzle

This July we have your chance to win a share of $5,000 in supermarket gift cards! Simply grab a copy of your local newspaper, throw on your thinking cap, and complete the daily puzzles to be in to win.

From 1 July - 28 July, we will be placing a daily puzzle in your newspaper. Solve the puzzle, find the prize word, and enter it online. Complete all 28 puzzles for a higher chance to WIN.

To find out more about participating newspapers, click here

The Team at Stuff and Sunday Star-Times
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21 hours ago

What's On: Linkline Social Club

Keith from Tawa

Active, independent, mature and on your own? Enjoy social activities with similar others, including restaurant dinners, cafe lunches, walks, games, outings, movies, etc. Please phone before involvement: Rebecca 022 6311626.
Linkline Social Club
  • Matinee Movies at Lighthouse Cinema
21 hours ago

What's On: Linkline Social Club

Keith from Tawa

Active, independent, mature and on your own? Enjoy social activities with similar others, including restaurant dinners, cafe lunches, walks, games, outings, movies, etc. Please phone before involvement: Rebecca 022 6311626.
Linkline Social Club
  • Matinee Movies at Lighthouse Cinema