Queenstown Lakes District, Queenstown

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2721 days ago

Petunia power

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Looking for some pretty petunias? Proven Winners NZ is supporting the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation by donating 50 cents for every Bubblegum Petunia purchased, from Oct 1.

2721 days ago

Today is International Day of the Older Persons!

The Team from Age Concern New Zealand

Today is International Day of the Older Persons (IDOP). IDOP has been celebrated around the world since 1991. It’s a day to highlight the significant contributions older people bring to society and to raise awareness of issues affecting older people such as abuse and discrimination. Join Age … View moreToday is International Day of the Older Persons (IDOP). IDOP has been celebrated around the world since 1991. It’s a day to highlight the significant contributions older people bring to society and to raise awareness of issues affecting older people such as abuse and discrimination. Join Age Concern today as we celebrate the important role older people have in our society.

2723 days ago

Register your event this Conservation Week

The Team from Department of Conservation

It’s Conservation Week next month. You can celebrate by showing your backyard some love, through getting involved in activities and events either in your own backyard or in our big New Zealand backyard.

Do you have a conservation event that you’d like to have featured on our website? List… View more
It’s Conservation Week next month. You can celebrate by showing your backyard some love, through getting involved in activities and events either in your own backyard or in our big New Zealand backyard.

Do you have a conservation event that you’d like to have featured on our website? List it here: List your event

2726 days ago

Master your knife like a chef? Tell us and WIN

FreshChoice Queenstown

Hi neighbours! Whether you're perfecting that roast beef, filleting fish with your eyes closed or whipping up that memorised cake recipe that never lets you down, there may be a pro chef in you! Share your pro cooking tip now, and you could win a $100 gift voucher!

We're also offering … View more
Hi neighbours! Whether you're perfecting that roast beef, filleting fish with your eyes closed or whipping up that memorised cake recipe that never lets you down, there may be a pro chef in you! Share your pro cooking tip now, and you could win a $100 gift voucher!

We're also offering you the chance to receive a premium set of Gormé Kitchen Knives in all our stores! All you need to do is shop with us to COLLECT 3 STICKERS in order to REDEEM your KNIVES at a heavily reduced price - up to 75% off! You will receive 1 sticker for every $15 you spend. There are 5 different knives to collect. Perfect for Christmas coming up, a gift for a friend or to add to your home. Start collecting in our store today.

- Your local FreshChoice team
Share a tip and WIN

2726 days ago

Poll: Are you comfortable with Fonterra's CEO earning $8.32 million?

Nicole Johnstone Reporter from Southland Times

Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings earned a total of $8.32 million in 2017. Are you comfortable with that?
Read more: www.stuff.co.nz...

Are you comfortable with Fonterra's CEO earning $8.32 million?
  • 10.6% Yes, he earns his wage
    10.6% Complete
  • 17% I don't care what he earns
    17% Complete
  • 72.3% No, it's too much money
    72.3% Complete
47 votes
2726 days ago

International Day of the Older Persons 2017 is on Sunday!

The Team from Age Concern New Zealand

International Day of the Older Persons is on Sunday October 1st. Every year we celebrate the contribution older people bring to society. The theme for this year is “Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society.”

On Sunday (and … View more
International Day of the Older Persons is on Sunday October 1st. Every year we celebrate the contribution older people bring to society. The theme for this year is “Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society.”

On Sunday (and the rest of the year), remember to acknowledge the wealth of knowledge and skills that New Zealanders aged over 65 bring to our communities.

2727 days ago

Poll: Do we need more education about safe alcohol consumption in the south?

Nicole Johnstone Reporter from Southland Times

Action is being taken to stop southern women from drinking alcohol while pregnant as booze consumption in the south continues to soar.

Read more: www.stuff.co.nz...

Do we need more education about safe alcohol consumption in the south?
  • 96% Yes, more education is needed
    96% Complete
  • 4% No, we know the effects already
    4% Complete
25 votes
2730 days ago

Age Concern Dignity Champions

The Team from Age Concern New Zealand

Do you know what ageism is? It is the discrimination of people on the basis of their age. Unfortunately too many people do not recognise the value older Kiwis bring to society. Age Concern New Zealand wants to change these ageist attitudes and create an inclusive New Zealand where everyone is … View moreDo you know what ageism is? It is the discrimination of people on the basis of their age. Unfortunately too many people do not recognise the value older Kiwis bring to society. Age Concern New Zealand wants to change these ageist attitudes and create an inclusive New Zealand where everyone is supported and valued. Join our social movement to combat ageism in New Zealand by signing up as an Age Concern Dignity Champion. It is FREE and we will even send you a Welcome Pack.

2731 days ago

Wilma & Friends

Peter from Cromwell

We are fortunate to be part of an eleven centre tour by legendary kiwi violinist Wilma Smith.

Every year Wilma puts together different groups of musical friends she thinks might create some exciting chemistry in programmes full of variety and appeal, from premières to revered masterpieces and … View more
We are fortunate to be part of an eleven centre tour by legendary kiwi violinist Wilma Smith.

Every year Wilma puts together different groups of musical friends she thinks might create some exciting chemistry in programmes full of variety and appeal, from premières to revered masterpieces and undiscovered gems from every musical era.

Wilma is the former Concertmaster of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and founding member of the New Zealand String Quartet. She is joined for this tour by Caroline Henbest who may be familiar as principal viola with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, along with two up and coming kiwi musicians, pianist and composer Andrew Leathwick and cellist Alexandra Partridge both of whom studying at the Australian National Academy of Music in Melbourne.

For this concert we will hear a piano quartet by Andrew that Wilma has commissioned especially for this tour. Be sure to catch this brand-new work, alongside a delightful selection of favourites of the piano quartet repertoire by Beethoven and Dvořák, not in some far distant city or town but right here.
The actual programme is:-
Beethoven | Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, op 16
Andrew Leathwick | Piano Quartet No. 1 (new commission)
Dvořák | Piano Quartet No. 2 in E-flat Major, op.87

When: Friday 29 September, 7.30pm
Where: Coronation Hall, 37 Hall Road, Bannockburn.
Tickets: Adults $30: SuperGold $25: Student/Child $5 available from Cromwell iSite and all other Central Otago District iSites. Door sales will be available if all tickets are not pre-sold.

2731 days ago

The hours are on us!

Student Job Search

ENTER to WIN a hand around the house – on us! 49% of Neighbourly members said they’d like help with gardening, do you agree? Enter your details to WIN 5 hours of work from a local student in your neighbourhood! Whether it be household maintenance, help with the kids, or something else – … View moreENTER to WIN a hand around the house – on us! 49% of Neighbourly members said they’d like help with gardening, do you agree? Enter your details to WIN 5 hours of work from a local student in your neighbourhood! Whether it be household maintenance, help with the kids, or something else – Student Job Search has you covered. We’ll be picking THREE lucky winners so enter now! It’s free to list a job with SJS and we make sure to find the perfect student for your job. Enter HERE and find out for yourself! Enter now

2732 days ago

Invercargill intersection to be upgraded

Nicole Johnstone Reporter from Southland Times

One of Invercargill's most hazardous intersections is set for a major upgrade.
The NZ Transport Agency is working towards improving the south Invercargill intersection of State Highway 1 and Elles Rd.

Read more: www.stuff.co.nz...

2733 days ago

Spring is in the air!

Nicole Johnstone Reporter from Southland Times

Check out this lovely photo one of our photographers snapped in Queens Park today. Do you have a spring photo to share? We print one reader photo each week on the Our Southland page in the paper. If you'd like to submit a photo, you can email it to jamie.searle@fairfaxmedia.co.nz

2734 days ago

Love your backyard this Conservation Week

The Team from Department of Conservation

We Kiwis love our backyard. Whether it's our own gardens, parks or our big Kiwi backyard. Because we love it, we want to take care of it. Conservation Week is a great time to show our backyard some love.

There's plenty of ways for you and your family to take part, and we’ll be adding… View more
We Kiwis love our backyard. Whether it's our own gardens, parks or our big Kiwi backyard. Because we love it, we want to take care of it. Conservation Week is a great time to show our backyard some love.

There's plenty of ways for you and your family to take part, and we’ll be adding more local events soon. For information on backyard activities and events near you, visit: www.conservationweek.org.nz....

Plus, keep an eye out for our photo competition details coming soon!

If you know of other Conservation Week events in your area, you can add them to our list here: www.doc.govt.nz...

2739 days ago

Nō hea koe? Where are you from?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Here is a selection of Aotearoa – New Zealand Māori place names. While it's not extensive, can you spot the name of the town closest to you?

Do you know your Kawatiri from your Kirikiriroa? Take Stuff's quick quiz on Māori place names here.

2739 days ago

New Home Builders Info Session coming up!

The Team from Jennian Homes

Thinking about building or curious about how best to do it? Join a Jennian New Home Builders Information Session.

These completely FREE information evenings are designed to ensure your new build experience is filled with plenty of 'OH YES' moments. No matter your budget or levels of … View more
Thinking about building or curious about how best to do it? Join a Jennian New Home Builders Information Session.

These completely FREE information evenings are designed to ensure your new build experience is filled with plenty of 'OH YES' moments. No matter your budget or levels of experience - you'll leave your Information Session with greater insights into:
• Establishing your construction budget
• Avoiding hidden costs
• Saving money by building an environmentally friendly home
• Planning the home you've always wanted

Your local Jennian team would love to meet you - to share our construction industry knowledge and to find out how we can help get into your dream home. Come along with any questions you might have and learn how to avoid ‘OH NO’ moments. Find out more at jennianinfo.com
Register now
