Titahi Bay, Porirua

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993 days ago

Fried Chicken or War Goddesses?


As partners of the Elemental festival, Stuff Travel is giving away 2 amazing packages! For each you'll win 2 nights of luxury stay at Fable Auckland with a welcome dinner and daily breakfasts. You'll also get tickets to either the Takurua - Nafanua, The War Goddess or the Auckland Fried … View moreAs partners of the Elemental festival, Stuff Travel is giving away 2 amazing packages! For each you'll win 2 nights of luxury stay at Fable Auckland with a welcome dinner and daily breakfasts. You'll also get tickets to either the Takurua - Nafanua, The War Goddess or the Auckland Fried Chicken Festival.

Flights included for those out of Auckland.
Enter now

994 days ago


The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington

Ngā mihi o te tau hou Māori! Happy Māori New Year!

We want tamariki and rangatahi across Aotearoa to shine as bright as Matariki does.

994 days ago

Happy Matariki - Open, 130 Main Road Tawa

The Team from

Happy to celebrate 1st year Matariki national holidays in the year we also 1st opened our Cafe! 130 Main Road Tawa. Come check out our initial All Day Menu (this continues to morph so follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get posted).

994 days ago

Switch to Snapper for Johnsonville line


From 1 July 2022, Monthly train passes, 10-Trips and off-board single trip tickets to Johnsonville will no longer be sold by Metlink ticket offices or retailers.

You can still buy single trip tickets on-board with cash.
Know more

994 days ago

Self Improve

Maureen J from Porirua City Centre

Hi, I am looking for ideas for a group I am wanting to start, to meet online and in person. Suggestions will be greatly appreciated, ages from13+ are able to join.

995 days ago

Hockey Skills Clinic - Tawa College Fundraiser

Joanne from Tawa

Hockey skills clinic for children from year 3 to year 8

995 days ago

Do you have a great tamarillo recipe?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours,

Every month, NZ Gardener runs a series of tested reader recipes using a seasonal crop. We are now on the hunt for tamarillo recipes, so send your best ones to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz before July 8, 2022.

Every published recipe wins a copy of our special edition Homegrown … View more
Dear neighbours,

Every month, NZ Gardener runs a series of tested reader recipes using a seasonal crop. We are now on the hunt for tamarillo recipes, so send your best ones to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz before July 8, 2022.

Every published recipe wins a copy of our special edition Homegrown Recipes.

995 days ago

Time to escape your neighbourhood?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Are you overdue a getaway? You could win a 13-day Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer South Island Rail & Coach tour by participating in Neighbourly’s 8th birthday celebration.

To enter the competition, just tell us what you love about your neighbourhood. It could be your favourite spot, a … View more
Are you overdue a getaway? You could win a 13-day Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer South Island Rail & Coach tour by participating in Neighbourly’s 8th birthday celebration.

To enter the competition, just tell us what you love about your neighbourhood. It could be your favourite spot, a beautiful view, or something that makes you smile. You could be in for a once-in-a-lifetime getaway!
Share now

996 days ago

Ethan's Career Navigator Community Story✨

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington

At the start of 2020, Ethan signed up for the Career Navigator Community programme through Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington.

After meeting different mentors who had such a variety in careers and experience, he knew going back to laboring wasn’t for him. Ethan wanted to do something … View more
At the start of 2020, Ethan signed up for the Career Navigator Community programme through Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington.

After meeting different mentors who had such a variety in careers and experience, he knew going back to laboring wasn’t for him. Ethan wanted to do something different and after spending time on the programme, he realised he liked helping young people in the community.

Ethan became one of the top graduates from his cohort and Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington took the opportunity to hire him. He now helps other young people involved in the Career Navigator Community programme on their career journeys.

“He is one of the best hiring decisions we have made” Jehan Fitisemanu – General Manager, Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington.

Read Ethan's full story through the link below.

996 days ago


Rob from Titahi Bay

Anyone suggest a Dr who sees sick people?

1000 days ago

Pet of the Day: Trixie from Ranui

Reporter Community News

Catherine Polson is the proud mum of the very striking Trixie.
"This is my four year-old girl Trixie. She loves stirring up next doors dogs either by walking along the top of the fence looking down at them or by waving her paw through the gaps to get their attention."
Remember if you want… View more
Catherine Polson is the proud mum of the very striking Trixie.
"This is my four year-old girl Trixie. She loves stirring up next doors dogs either by walking along the top of the fence looking down at them or by waving her paw through the gaps to get their attention."
Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on yourpet@dompost.co.nz with a recent photo. Please remember to say which suburb you live in.

996 days ago

Nike toddler shoes

Rosie from Titahi Bay

Brand new.
Size 7c
Unfortunately too small for my girl and cant return as its from Australia.

Price: $50

1001 days ago

Kāpiti Island stunner

Reporter Community News

The recent volcanic eruption near Tonga has created some beautiful sunsets and sunrises lately. Kāpiti resident Ken Proudfoot took this photo, of clearing storm clouds, recently on his regular walk on the beach.
If you have take a photo recently of a sunrise to sunset, please post it on … View more
The recent volcanic eruption near Tonga has created some beautiful sunsets and sunrises lately. Kāpiti resident Ken Proudfoot took this photo, of clearing storm clouds, recently on his regular walk on the beach.
If you have take a photo recently of a sunrise to sunset, please post it on Neighbourly for everyone to enjoy.

996 days ago

Have you told us about your amazing houseplant collection?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours,

You have just a few more days to send your entries for our Houseplant Hero competition. You could win some great prizes and of course, more houseplanst!

996 days ago

Extending Spicer Landfill – the details of design

Porirua City Council

Spicer Landfill is an important part of the infrastructure of Porirua City and is running out of space faster than expected.

This year we’ve been talking about how we might extend the landfill, and the types of protection we need to put in place to minimise things like odour, and to protect … View more
Spicer Landfill is an important part of the infrastructure of Porirua City and is running out of space faster than expected.

This year we’ve been talking about how we might extend the landfill, and the types of protection we need to put in place to minimise things like odour, and to protect our waterways, plants and animals.

We’d like to show you the draft design for the extension and hear your thoughts on this. Have your say
• Tuesday 5 July 6.30-8pm Tawa Community Centre
• Wednesday 6 July 12.30-2pm Helen Smith room – Pātaka
• Thursday 7 July 7-8pm – Online with Zoom

Your input and views will help us fine-tune the plans to extend the landfill.
Find out more
