Modern funky Dining Suite
Harvey Norman price $1649.00
We bought new last year, have relocated and no longer required....
Quick sale &
Bargain for you
$1000.00 o.n.o

For a bit of fun, neighbours.
Have a good think about it, and let us know...
If you could invent one piece of technology to make life easier, what would it be?
Comment below with what you think would be a handy new invention - it may even already exist!

Who’s the riddle master around here?🏆🥇Let’s find out!
If Teresa's daughter is my daughter's mother, what am I to Teresa?
Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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Work wanted
Laboring work required by 57-year-old male.
Hard working and reliable.
I can help you with:
Kitchen hand/dish washer, furniture removal, weeding of gardens or mowing lawns, help with section clearing, digging post holes or similar digging that needs to be done.
I am physically fit so I dont mind physically demanding labour.
If you pick me up from my address in Roslyn area, I can be flexible to work any hours day or night.
Available for early starts any day 7 days.
I have no qualifications or drivers license.
I am avail for work immediately
Please phone Darrien on 02108690801
No txt messaging please.