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Paris from Palmerston North Central
As breeding season is here if anyone happens to find a baby magpie that looks abandoned with parents no where near, I’d be happy to take it in! I have a magpie currently and I’d love to get her a friend
Matthew Reporter from
Check out this weeks Property Weekly
A great place to find Palmerston Norths and surrounds best properties
Val from Kelvin Grove
Two ‘Industrial Heritage’ open days (afternoons) in the Roslyn area on Sunday, November 10th, are being held in the course of Palmerston North’s Heritage Week activities. Come and check out either what they are and represent – or what developments might have happened at them since your last… View moreTwo ‘Industrial Heritage’ open days (afternoons) in the Roslyn area on Sunday, November 10th, are being held in the course of Palmerston North’s Heritage Week activities. Come and check out either what they are and represent – or what developments might have happened at them since your last visit/s.
The Hoffman Kiln, at 615 Featherston Street, produced a large percentage of the bricks used in Palmerston North and the surrounding region between 1904 and 1959. Come and see how this example of ancient technology operated, and how this kiln site is being developed. The adjoining Edwards Pit Park is the kiln’s former clay pit. The kiln’s open day will run between 12:00 noon and 4:00pm
The old Palmerston North Electric Power Station, at 162 Keith Street (alongside Terrace End Cemetery) produced the original public electricity generation to Palmerston North and the surrounding district during 1924, preceding the Mangahao Hydro Dam’s opening in November 1924. It then partly became Mangahao’s sub-station. Its huge British Polar 1936-installed diesel engines still run, and with do so ‘on the hour’ between 12:30pm and 4:00pm during the open day.
Both these buildings are Category One heritage sites. Admission to both is free, but donations are welcomed (enthusiastically!) as such sites are very costly to preserve – and each has its own special (and significant) preservation needs. Naturally both sites are also ‘enter at your own risk’ – and please park with care.
For further information, see their Facebook pages: and
Ken from Awapuni
Why on earth would my exorbitant rates bill, which has just arrived, include a request to conserve water, when the Mayor has previously stated that the city doesn't have a water supply problem and refuses to consider the need for an alternative/additional supply?
22 replies (Members only)
Manager from Caccia Birch House
Local History Week comes to an end this Sunday with an opportunity to explore Caccia Birch House. Palmerston North's very own category one Historic Homestead.
Great care has been taken in the restoration and development of Caccia Birch House and we encourage you to come along and enjoy this … View moreLocal History Week comes to an end this Sunday with an opportunity to explore Caccia Birch House. Palmerston North's very own category one Historic Homestead.
Great care has been taken in the restoration and development of Caccia Birch House and we encourage you to come along and enjoy this wonderful property and learn about the families who once resided at the house and the many uses made after it was gifted. The stunning rimu panelling and wonderful lagoon view have to be seen!
Chill out on our big lawn with a picnic amid the spring flowers and huge protected trees!
Photos included: During the Govenor General and his family were in residence 1908 - 1910, Hokowhitu Polo game (Strang Family early 1900's) and one from the 1950's during its convalescent home period.
Sharyn from Hokowhitu
Join us for coffee on Thursday, Nov 7th, 1.30pm, at Cafe Esplanade.
This will be our last coffee meeting until February, 2020, because of school holidays.
We would be happy to hear any feedback from the recent presentation about CFS at the community centre in Ferguson Street.
Diann from Awapuni
ts Time to get those decorating Jobs done before Christmas and the New year when family and friends come to stay
Painter and Paperhanger available
Or book in now to get the exterior painted this Summer
No job to small
35 years experience
Phone or text Tony on 027 5797 833
Renee from Takaro
Yay, hooray and happy day! 20 Frankie Magazine bundle for sale.
Incomplete date range, issue 23 may/june 2008 to issue 88 mar/apr 2019. Some pages might be missing but there is still loads of awesomeness to please your eyes and grey matter.
Frankie Magazine covers the following hot topics:
… View moreYay, hooray and happy day! 20 Frankie Magazine bundle for sale.
Incomplete date range, issue 23 may/june 2008 to issue 88 mar/apr 2019. Some pages might be missing but there is still loads of awesomeness to please your eyes and grey matter.
Frankie Magazine covers the following hot topics:
accessories, art, baking, books, ceramics, clothing, craft, design, diy, etsy, event, fashion, film, food, giveaway, homewares, illustration, interiors, interviews, jewellery, music, photography, projects, recipes, stationery,vintage...
Pick up only from Takaro, Palmerston North
Magazines need to go so that I can have some floor space (for other things, bits and bobs).
RRP $12.95 each
Price: $25
The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand
Fireworks are a ton of fun but carry real risks that need to be taken seriously. If you plan on lighting some here's some tips to keep everyone in your community safe and happy.
❌ 1. Never light fireworks in dry or windy conditions.
🔥 2. Only use fireworks in wide open areas, away from … View moreFireworks are a ton of fun but carry real risks that need to be taken seriously. If you plan on lighting some here's some tips to keep everyone in your community safe and happy.
❌ 1. Never light fireworks in dry or windy conditions.
🔥 2. Only use fireworks in wide open areas, away from flammable items such as trees, grasses, gas tanks, and wood.
💦 3. Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby.
👧 4. Children should never light fireworks themselves and need to be supervised closely at all times.
🧰 5. Keep all unlit fireworks in a secure bag or container away from any source of fire until they are ready to be used.
📞 6. Be considerate and let neighbours know if you're planning to set off fireworks. Aim to finish at a reasonable time.
🐱 7. Keep pets comfortable and secure inside. The loud booms and flashing lights can easily scare them off.
🐮 8. Avoid lighting off fireworks around farm animals and be aware of any newborns or elderly neighbours who may also be affected. If possible, change locations to somewhere that minimises any disturbances.
🌿 9. Be a tidy Kiwi and let's work together to keep New Zealand beautiful! Clean up any any rubbish and leave your spot better than you found it.
Richard from Awapuni
Events on the Look Out! Performing Arts and Entertainment Guide continue to mushroom.
The next seven days see Local history week front and centre, with Awesome Awapuni Day, Kids’ Fishing Weekend, and the Rescue Chopper open day.
The Latin American & Spain, and British film festivals … View moreEvents on the Look Out! Performing Arts and Entertainment Guide continue to mushroom.
The next seven days see Local history week front and centre, with Awesome Awapuni Day, Kids’ Fishing Weekend, and the Rescue Chopper open day.
The Latin American & Spain, and British film festivals continue. Centrepoint opens MAMIL (Middle Aged Men In Lycra), and its the last week of Swingers at the Globe.
There are concerts, ballet, recitals, a talent show, and the week wraps up with the 100th commemoration of Armistice Day.
Theresa from Roslyn - Terrace End
Would anyone have a cat pak to sell? To wear on my person. Thanx
12 replies (Members only)
Disability support funding under Mana Whaikaha gives you the choice to get support that’s specifically for you or your family’s needs.
It’s your life, your future, your choice.
Join the team from HealthCare NZ to talk through the options that are right for you, along with other agencies… View moreDisability support funding under Mana Whaikaha gives you the choice to get support that’s specifically for you or your family’s needs.
It’s your life, your future, your choice.
Join the team from HealthCare NZ to talk through the options that are right for you, along with other agencies including Mana Whaikaha.
Everyone who attends the free event goes in the draw for a $200 Noel Leeming voucher.
Please RSVP to, call 0800 114 496 or visit our website.
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