17 days ago

Anzac Day

Anzac Day

There are opportunities across the motu for the public to come together to mark Anzac Day this year.

National Anzac Day events include the Dawn Service at 6.00am and the National Commemorative Service at 11.00am (both at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Wellington), and the Atatürk Memorial Service at 2.30pm in Strathmore, Wellington. The Dawn Service and National Commemorative Service will be broadcast live by TVNZ 1 and RNZ National.

For those wanting to join the Anzac Day parade at the Dawn Service, veterans are asked to assemble on Tasman Street by 5.30am.

The Atatürk Memorial Service in Strathmore will include a wreath-laying ceremony. A shuttle service will be running from Bowes Crescent carpark to the memorial site for anyone who may require assistance accessing the site.

For more information about Anzac Day, visit the Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage website or see the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Facebook page.

To find out about events in your local community, visit the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association’s website or get in touch with your local council.
Find out more

More messages from your neighbours
3 hours ago

Spirited Conversations

Sandy from Stepneyville

Café Yaza, Montgomery Square Nelson, Wednesday 22 May.
Yaza opens for dining/drinks 6.00pm - Conversation 7.30 - 9.30pm

Human Resources professional Emily Bissett has worked in industries and organisations focusing on the recruitment of employees across a range of sectors at all levels. She will address challenges facing employers and employees in her presentation:
Work is beginning to look and feel very different across jobs, industries and the globe. What factors are influencing this; what are some of the implications for employees and employers in the ever-changing market, and what will the future of work look like?

Bring a friend, discuss, eat, drink, listen, question and comment.

Treat yourself and support our partners Yaza Café at the same time.
Come early and try their 'Spirited Conversations' menu!

Koha to cover costs – no reservations.
More info: Barry 0276327869; Karen 548 6241

See you at Yaza!

13 hours ago

WANTED : Fold out couch

Louise from Nelson South

Willing to pay cash, anything considered
Please call or text Louise 0276025945 or email