1324 days ago

Chasing glory at the Olympics@RYMAN

We may be an official partner of the New Zealand Olympic Team, but within our villages it’s residents who are chasing Olympic glory.
So many Ryman residents have passions and pastimes that they continue to thrive at within our villages. Therefore, creating an event like Olympics@RYMAN is a prime example of how we pioneer the way for our residents.
Events include swimming, bowls, cycling, relay walking and Quiznastics. To up the ante, we’ve incorporated technology solutions to enhance events and to enable residents to connect with all 41 Ryman villages, including those across the Tasman, while they compete!
Learn more

More messages from your neighbours
9 hours ago

Rock and Roll at Club Waimea

Robert from Richmond

All welcome. Free admission.

6 days ago

Wanted glass jars

Paula from Stoke

I'm still needing glass jars and lids if possible. I have a few lids that might fit some jars.
Needing these for relish etc
If anyone has spare or ones in recycling bins please keep me in mind. Thanks so much.

10 hours ago

Beat those winter blues

Chris Soutar from Soutar-able Glass

Need double glazing Now is a good time pre winter to give those tired old windows and upgrade with a double glazing retro.
Contact Chris specialist in double glazing retro fit timber or aluminium 40 years experience and many happy customers.
For a free quote call 021642428 or vist my website www.soutar...