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Pirimai, Pakowhai - Waiohiki, Puketapu, Ahuriri, Bluff Hill, Awatoto - Meeanee, Napier South, Westshore, Onekawa, Poraiti, Napier, Taradale, Tamatea, Maraenui, MarewaHave a browse...
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Cook over a fire as Mother Nature intended but with the ease and versatility of a Traeger Wood Grill. Buy a Traeger Timberline 850 and receive $1000 worth of Traeger accessories!
· Pure Hardwood Pellets are the fuel of the Traeger signature flavour
· Love the wood-fire flavour of a Traeger … View moreCook over a fire as Mother Nature intended but with the ease and versatility of a Traeger Wood Grill. Buy a Traeger Timberline 850 and receive $1000 worth of Traeger accessories!
· Pure Hardwood Pellets are the fuel of the Traeger signature flavour
· Love the wood-fire flavour of a Traeger Grill, it simply tastes better
· Real wood, real flavour – every time
· Rubs, sauces and pellets available in store
Visit the outdoor living and BBQ specialists at Fourth Element and discuss your outdoor cooking requirements now! Ask about our interest-free payment options!
917 Karamu Road
Find out more!
Eastern Institute of Technology
Come in and meet our supportive staff, talk to our lecturers and tutors, have a tour of the campus and have a chat about career planning and how to enrol.
EIT Hawke's Bay 9am- 6pm
EIT Hastings, EIT Maraenui, EIT Central Hawke's Bay Learning Centres 9am - 4pm
Neighbours – now is your chance to refresh your place ready for the holidays. Get 30% off Resene premium paints, wood stains, primers and sealers 4L and under, 30% off wallpaper, 25% off Resene premium paints, wood stains, primers and sealers, 25% of decorating accessories and 25% off the Resene… View moreNeighbours – now is your chance to refresh your place ready for the holidays. Get 30% off Resene premium paints, wood stains, primers and sealers 4L and under, 30% off wallpaper, 25% off Resene premium paints, wood stains, primers and sealers, 25% of decorating accessories and 25% off the Resene cleaning range! Available at your local Resene ColorShop until 31 October 2018.
* Discount off the normal retail price. Excludes WallPrint, trade products and PaintWise levy. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.
Find out more
Steve from Greenmeadows
What a fantastic site this is, so informative and great for networking. Since joining I've had ongoing work and I'm available in the next couple of weeks again if anyone wants work done. I'm a qualified Joiner with 30 + yrs of experience. Also excellent with any home maintenance … View moreWhat a fantastic site this is, so informative and great for networking. Since joining I've had ongoing work and I'm available in the next couple of weeks again if anyone wants work done. I'm a qualified Joiner with 30 + yrs of experience. Also excellent with any home maintenance needs and all those odd jobs that you don't have time to do. Maybe your partner has a list of jobs that you can't get to? Good rates and professional service. Please call Steve on 021784005
The Team from
Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s anaesthetic technicians, who are members of the Association of Professionals and Executive Employee Inc (APEX), have voted to strike for 24 hours from 7am 24 October until 7am 25 October.
As a result of the strike action, 15 elective surgeries that required a general … View moreHawke’s Bay Hospital’s anaesthetic technicians, who are members of the Association of Professionals and Executive Employee Inc (APEX), have voted to strike for 24 hours from 7am 24 October until 7am 25 October.
As a result of the strike action, 15 elective surgeries that required a general anaesthetic, planned for the day of the strike, would be postponed. Only life preserving operations will go ahead. Patients directly affected have been contacted.
Patients who had surgery planned during the strike period and were unsure of their situation could call Hawke’s Bay Hospital on (06) 878- 8109 for more information.
Eastern Institute of Technology
Get some trade skills with these free EIT short courses. These courses will run in 2019 - register your interest at your nearest EIT Learning Centre today.
Bruce from Napier South
Years ago I attended a Sunday afternoon free thinkers gathering in Havelock North which included an elderly lady who later died. At her service in the crematorium building she organised for a recording of the song Light my Fire to be played. I thought that was pretty neat.
CHUCK LORRE … View moreYears ago I attended a Sunday afternoon free thinkers gathering in Havelock North which included an elderly lady who later died. At her service in the crematorium building she organised for a recording of the song Light my Fire to be played. I thought that was pretty neat.
To be read aloud at my funeral.
Well... this is depressing. Which, I guess, beats the alternative. Certainly don't want my send off to be a ding-dong-the-witch-is- dead flash mob. Perhaps there's a middle ground. A little light sobbing, some clothes rending. Nothing over the top. To all the actors here, let's try and keep this day about me. Okay, now that we've settled on the appropriate level of somber, I'd like to go over a few things before LIFE GOES ON WITHOUT ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! First, I want it known that I am deeply grateful for how things turned out. In retrospect - and yes, everything is in retrospect now - even the awful stuff seems to have had a purpose. When I was a young man a pretty girl smiled at me, so I did exactly what any young man would do, I joined her new-age religion. Seven years later I awoke, as if from a dream, and carried on like nothing happened. Which made sense because for seven years nothing happened. Being too poor to go to a doctor when I had ulcerative colitis made me a big supporter of free health care, as well as appreciative of the life-affirming qualities in a good bowel movement. Two failed marriages and many failed relationships taught me the fine art of apologizing. A decade or so of professional failures proved that hardship builds character, just not a very good one. And then there's all the great things that happened. My children - despite years of fatherly neglect - turned out to be awesome. Shaking off a severe drop in revenue, the Jack Daniels company managed to limp along without me. I stumbled into an incredible career when I realized I had a better chance at becoming the next Sherwood Schwartz than the next Bruce Springsteen. So again, looking back, other than dying, I have no real complaints. Looking forward, well, if the lights in the chapel flicker... NOW!... it means I'm a non-corporeal spiritual entity with a delightful streak of mischievousness (more Spooky than Casper). If not, the likely scenario is I exist only in your memories, and, after the ceremony, as landfill in a Jewish cemetery. So, to sum up a lifetime: "Here lies me. I did the best I could with what I had. I never stopped trying to be better. My flaws were plentiful. No need to list them here. We all know what they were -- don't we ladies? But I did love. And as I got older I think I learned how to love more. I hope that's what you remember about me."
"And that I was perfectly willing to end a heartfelt moment with a cheap dick joke."
11 replies (Members only)
Nicola & Sefton from AirControl Hawkes Bay Ltd
Go in the draw for a free heat pump service before the summer heat arrives, find us on facebook and like our page...tag a friend and you are in the draw. Closes at the end of October.
The Team from ACC New Zealand
For most workers, part of your wage goes to ACC. We’re proposing you pay more because accidents and medical costs have gone up. If you’re a wage earner, these proposals could affect you.
Learn about all the proposals and have your say at our site by October 25.
Learn more
Janis from Greenmeadows
Have 3 tickets for Death by Chocolate.Saturday 16th Feb. Sell at purchase price less booking fee. mobile 0211520876
Price: $50
Sharyn from Taradale
If you are having a spring clean this weekend, and thinking about a holding a garage sale, but perhaps don’t have enough stuff. Or wanting to fundraise for an upcoming event. The Pirimai Baptist church hold a community car boot sale once a month in the Pirimai Plaza Carpark, and we have spaces … View moreIf you are having a spring clean this weekend, and thinking about a holding a garage sale, but perhaps don’t have enough stuff. Or wanting to fundraise for an upcoming event. The Pirimai Baptist church hold a community car boot sale once a month in the Pirimai Plaza Carpark, and we have spaces available at our next one which is on 3rd Nov 10-2pm.
Check out our Facebook page “Pirimai Car Boot Sale” or get in touch to book your space.
The Team from
Note on speed threshold: Over the holiday period – 4pm on Friday 19 October to 6am on Tuesday 23 October 2018 – if you're detected by a safe speed camera exceeding the posted speed limit by more than 4 km/h, you are highly likely to be ticketed.
Police and the NZ Transport Agency are … View moreNote on speed threshold: Over the holiday period – 4pm on Friday 19 October to 6am on Tuesday 23 October 2018 – if you're detected by a safe speed camera exceeding the posted speed limit by more than 4 km/h, you are highly likely to be ticketed.
Police and the NZ Transport Agency are reminding people to start their journey well rested and stay safe on the roads if they are going away for the long weekend.
“Share the road like it’s your family driving around you,” says Superintendent Steve Greally, National Manager Road Policing. “This is where Police’s focus remains as well. We know the four main behaviours that contribute to death and serious injury on our roads are people driving distracted, drivers impaired by fatigue, drugs, or alcohol, drivers speeding, and people not wearing their seatbelt.
Statistics: During Labour weekend in 2017 there were five fatal crashes and 76 reported injury crashes. These crashes resulted in six deaths, 23 serious injuries and 103 minor injuries.
In 2017, fatigue was a contributing factor in 32 fatal crashes and 100 serious injury crashes. Driver fatigue is difficult to identify or recognise as contributing to a crash. This means it’s likely that fatigue is under-recorded, and contributes to more crashes than we realise.
The Team from Resene ColorShop Napier
Need a headboard to finish off your master bedroom but can’t find one to suit? Why not create your own one inspired by the sun or moon using your favourite colour. Make the most of your weekend with this easy step by step project idea from Resene. Find out how to … View moreNeed a headboard to finish off your master bedroom but can’t find one to suit? Why not create your own one inspired by the sun or moon using your favourite colour. Make the most of your weekend with this easy step by step project idea from Resene. Find out how to create this quick and easy project yourself.
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