1988 days ago

Get your voting papers in on ‘Vote Day’ - Saturday 5 October

Daniel Webster from Local Government New Zealand

Local Government New Zealand is urging people to post their voting papers on Vote Day – Saturday 5 October 2019.

All voting papers must be returned to the relevant council by midday on Saturday 12 October, and voters need to factor in the time it will take the papers to get through the postal system.

New Zealand Post advises that the Standard Post delivery target is up to 3 working days for nationwide delivery, while delivery to and from rural areas may take longer. However, these targets are guides only, and are not guaranteed – delivery may take longer.

Visit www.nzpost.co.nz... to find your nearest post box or office. To get more information on your local candidates, visit policylocal.nz and local council websites for both information and meet the candidate schedules.

“Some of the main reasons people give for not voting are they forgot, ran out of time or were too busy,” says LGNZ Chief Executive Malcolm Alexander.

“So to make sure people give themselves the best chance to have their say we are encouraging people to vote early on what we’ve dubbed Vote Day. Fill out your papers during the week and then to pop them in the paid envelope and into the nearest post box on Saturday 5 October.”

“Voting papers have to arrive at council offices by midday Saturday 12 October, so sending them in on Vote Day gives them plenty of time to get through the postal system.”

Mr Alexander says it is important New Zealanders participate in the selection of the people who will make decisions that affect most people’s lives on a daily basis.

“Local government shapes the place that you live. It’s the pavements you walk on, the roads where you drive, the water you drink, shower in and swim in, your parks, libraries and swimming pools where you take the kids,” Mr Alexander says.

“There’s been a lot of robust public conversation around climate change, the housing crisis, the quality of our water and our transport options, and now is the time to turn that conversation into a vote that influences your local leadership.”

“Voters can still post their papers after 5 October, but there is no harm in doing it earlier,” Mr Alexander says.

Eligible voters who didn’t enrol before 16 August won’t receive their papers in the mail, but can make a special vote by visiting their local council offices, or by contacting their Council Electoral Officer.

What: ‘Vote Day’
When: Saturday 5 October 2019
Why: Make sure you have your say by voting early
How: Visit www.nzpost.co.nz... to find your nearest post box or office. To get more information on your local candidates, visit policylocal.nz and local council websites for both information and meet the candidate schedules.

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