Korokoro, Lower Hutt

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1641 days ago

Thinking about turning your home into a rental property?

Samantha from Quinovic Kent Terrace | Johnsonville | Hutt Valley - Wellington

This is one of the more common ways people start as investors here in New Zealand. Read our tips on how to successfully turn your home into a rental property.

1641 days ago

Testing numbers

Gemma Elizabeth from Hutt Valley District Health Board

Here is the latest information about the number of people tested for COVID-19 in our region. We will publish these figures every weekday to give you a clearer picture of what is happening in our area.

There is no known community transmission in the Wellington and Hutt Valley regions.

These … View more
Here is the latest information about the number of people tested for COVID-19 in our region. We will publish these figures every weekday to give you a clearer picture of what is happening in our area.

There is no known community transmission in the Wellington and Hutt Valley regions.

These figures will also be published on our website and updated each weekday. View figures here: www.huttvalleydhb.org.nz...

1641 days ago

How does your houseplant collection help you?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

For this Nelson collector, houseplants help her cope with health challenges. "It’s been proven that distraction is a really good pain relief and the plants gave me something to focus on and interrupt the pain pathways.”

1642 days ago

Poll: Should Wellington be renamed Te Whanganui-a-Tara?

Reporter Community News

New Zealand could officially become Aotearoa, Wellington could be Te Whanganui-a-Tara, and Christchurch could be Ōtautahi. The Māori Party is promoting the idea as an election promise.

Wellingtonians, please tell us what you think of changing our name to Te Whanganui-a-Tara?

If you do not want … View more
New Zealand could officially become Aotearoa, Wellington could be Te Whanganui-a-Tara, and Christchurch could be Ōtautahi. The Māori Party is promoting the idea as an election promise.

Wellingtonians, please tell us what you think of changing our name to Te Whanganui-a-Tara?

If you do not want your comments used in a story, please put NOT FOR PUBLICATION.

Should Wellington be renamed Te Whanganui-a-Tara?
  • 14% Yes
    14% Complete
  • 80.7% No
    80.7% Complete
  • 5.3% Undecided
    5.3% Complete
600 votes
1642 days ago

Experts want purposed built facilities, instead of hotels, for future pandemics

Reporter Community News

New Zealand should move away from hotels to a purpose-built managed isolation and quarantine facility, with pandemics set to be a fixture of the future, public health experts warn.

But while the Government says there are no plans for such a facility, it hasn’t ruled it out. Michael Baker, an … View more
New Zealand should move away from hotels to a purpose-built managed isolation and quarantine facility, with pandemics set to be a fixture of the future, public health experts warn.

But while the Government says there are no plans for such a facility, it hasn’t ruled it out. Michael Baker, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago, said New Zealand was world-leading in biosecurity, but needed to invest in human biosecurity.

“Now we have to talk long-term about this,” he said.

1642 days ago

Wellington woman coaching Liverpool

Reporter Community News

Former Wellington woman and Football Fern Emma Humphries is making her mark at Liverpool. She is into her third season with Liverpool after making the move to England with her partner Bev Preistmen, the assistant coach of England’s national women's team.

Humphries, 34, represented the … View more
Former Wellington woman and Football Fern Emma Humphries is making her mark at Liverpool. She is into her third season with Liverpool after making the move to England with her partner Bev Preistmen, the assistant coach of England’s national women's team.

Humphries, 34, represented the Football Ferns at the 2007 Women’s World Cup but retired early to move into coaching after tearing an anterior cruciate ligament in a knee. One of the highlights of her time at Liverpool has been meeting and working with men's coach Jurgen Klopp.

1642 days ago

Exam Time

NumberWorks'nWords Lower Hutt

It's that time of year again! ?

Chat to us about how we can help your child manage exam block.

1642 days ago

Key tips for a warmer, drier home – 8/9 – Mould

Robert Anderson from

Key tips for a warmer, drier home, Mould, 8 of 9, 2015.

Use bleach or white vinegar to remove mould from ceilings and walls.

Created by New Zealand's Ministry of Health.

1642 days ago

Free wall/display unit

Stephen from Newlands

Good used condition with some scratches from moving.
Structurally intact.
Heavy and steady with solid wood.
117 x 180 x 40 cm.


1642 days ago

Property prices continue to soar in Lower Hutt

Reporter Community News

A Lower Hutt subdivision sold out in a day, as the demand for new properties remains high and prices continue to climb.

The 14 townhouses at the Riverside Drive development in Fairfield were all under offer within hours, starting at $589,000 for a two bedroom unit. All were bought off the plans, … View more
A Lower Hutt subdivision sold out in a day, as the demand for new properties remains high and prices continue to climb.

The 14 townhouses at the Riverside Drive development in Fairfield were all under offer within hours, starting at $589,000 for a two bedroom unit. All were bought off the plans, and still more 18 months away from being ready to move into.

It comes as Real Estate Institute figures for August, released on Friday, record houses prices recorded in Hutt Valley, with growth month on month faster than other parts of the Wellington region. Professionals real estate agent Shane Brockelbank, who sold the Riverside subdivision, said he was surprised by the speed at which the houses sold.

”Offers started coming in on Thursday morning, and they were gone by the afternoon.

1666 days ago

Transmission Gully to open by September 2021

Matt Tso Reporter from Community News

After years of talk and delays how optimistic are you the schedule will be kept?

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has announced the new opening date and costs after months of negotiations with the private partners building the billion-dollar road.

The latest deal would see Transmission Gully’s … View more
After years of talk and delays how optimistic are you the schedule will be kept?

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has announced the new opening date and costs after months of negotiations with the private partners building the billion-dollar road.

The latest deal would see Transmission Gully’s cost pushed up to $1.25 billion - now $400m above an original expected $850m bill.

1642 days ago

Rugby struggles represent the changing face of Petone

Reporter Community News

It’s been 15 years since Petone won the region’s top footy competition, the Jubilee Cup. Petone has been the most successful premier team in the competition’s history with 24 outright and two shared titles dating back to 1929.

Petone has historically been the region’s industrial heartland… View more
It’s been 15 years since Petone won the region’s top footy competition, the Jubilee Cup. Petone has been the most successful premier team in the competition’s history with 24 outright and two shared titles dating back to 1929.

Petone has historically been the region’s industrial heartland and former All Blacks captain and club stalwart, Andy Leslie, says it was the tough, working-class population that once dominated their playing roster.

The nearby railway workshops and Ford Motor Company plant, Gear meatworks, Unilever and Todd Motors were all major employers through the club’s heyday – between 1967 and 1971 Petone won the Jubilee Cup five years on the trot.

1642 days ago


Margaret from Normandale

This is the last week for applications for the above tertiary grants. Forms are available from Hutt City Council offices and libraries and MPs electorate offices. For any further information phone Margaret Cousins 045862135 or Lynne Keatley 027 395 601,

1642 days ago

Testing numbers

Gemma Elizabeth from Hutt Valley District Health Board

Here is the latest information about the number of people tested for COVID-19 in our region. We will publish these figures every weekday to give you a clearer picture of what is happening in our area. This update includes the total number of tests taken on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

There is no … View more
Here is the latest information about the number of people tested for COVID-19 in our region. We will publish these figures every weekday to give you a clearer picture of what is happening in our area. This update includes the total number of tests taken on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

There is no known community transmission in the Wellington and Hutt Valley regions.

These figures will also be published on our website and updated each weekday. View figures here: www.huttvalleydhb.org.nz...

1642 days ago

Warrant of Fitness extensions to expire


Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is urging the 620,000 motorists with temporary Warrant of Fitness extensions to get their vehicles checked before October 10.

The NZTA issued an extension to WoFs during COVID-19 Alert Level 4, allowing motorists to operate their vehicles during this time.

What you need to … View more
Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is urging the 620,000 motorists with temporary Warrant of Fitness extensions to get their vehicles checked before October 10.

The NZTA issued an extension to WoFs during COVID-19 Alert Level 4, allowing motorists to operate their vehicles during this time.

What you need to know:

- Book a WoF as soon as possible with your local mechanics to avoid delay.

- In a statement, MTA reported that there here may be a higher fail rate with some vehicles not been checked for over 12 months.

- Other documents with temporary extensions: CoFs, regos, vehicle certifications, and driver licenses.

- MTA reports that a total of 1.62 million inspections need to be completed between now and October 31.

For more information on temporary documentation extensions, see the NZTA Website.
Click here for more information on the WoF inspection process.
