Fairfield, Lower Hutt

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Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.

1239 days ago

We need a painter

Lionel from Waiwhetu

We are looking for a painter to do some internal work, Waiwhetu area.

L E Sharman

1239 days ago

Tradescantia zebrina

Jenny from Boulcott

Easy to grow and care.
Pick up Boulcott

Price: $8

1239 days ago

Trinket box

The Team from Resene ColorShop Naenae

Who can resist a treasure chest? Make this little gem for storing your own jewellery, or as a gift for someone special in your life. Decorate your chest with your favourite Resene colours.

Find out how to create your own.

1239 days ago

Use our free recruitment service


In 2021, Competenz has seen an average of 3,300 monthly visits to the Job Board on our website, with between 100 - 300 prospective candidates reading each job opportunity.

Listing an opportunity on our Job Board is free for employers, and at any one time, we have around 400 learners who are … View more
In 2021, Competenz has seen an average of 3,300 monthly visits to the Job Board on our website, with between 100 - 300 prospective candidates reading each job opportunity.

Listing an opportunity on our Job Board is free for employers, and at any one time, we have around 400 learners who are job-ready, looking for the right opportunity.

Thinking of taking on an apprentice? Check out our free recruitment service.
Learn more

1240 days ago

Meet your new neighbours, NZ Compare!

NZ Compare

We’re Kiwis helping Kiwis compare the many providers and plans across Power, Broadband and Money easy, safe and hassle free through our consumer focussed, comparison websites. 

Our service is free to use! Are you moving house or just wanting to know what your options are to save money or to … View more
We’re Kiwis helping Kiwis compare the many providers and plans across Power, Broadband and Money easy, safe and hassle free through our consumer focussed, comparison websites. 

Our service is free to use! Are you moving house or just wanting to know what your options are to save money or to get a better deal? You can trust NZ Compare to guide you in making a fully informed choice for your households needs.

Millions of consumers have used our sites and over 50,000 Kiwis have switched providers or plans with our help. 

Visit us to compare today or call our NZ based Customer Support Team on 0508 22 66 72.

1240 days ago

Calling all creative minds today


Entries are open for this year’s Sunday Star-Times short story awards.

The awards include open, emerging Māori and Pasifika writers, and under-25 years categories and will be judged by some of New Zealand’s best authors.

The winning story will be published in the Sunday Star-Times and … View more
Entries are open for this year’s Sunday Star-Times short story awards.

The awards include open, emerging Māori and Pasifika writers, and under-25 years categories and will be judged by some of New Zealand’s best authors.

The winning story will be published in the Sunday Star-Times and on Stuff. Entries close Friday 22 October.
Find out more

1241 days ago


The Chiro from The Chiro - Lower Hutt

Chiropractic is all about improving the connection between the brain and body, so our ability to adapt to stressors is as optimal as possible ⚡

The higher our adaptability, the easier we can respond to stressful situations, recover from illness + injury, grow, develop, and thrive! 🧠

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Chiropractic is all about improving the connection between the brain and body, so our ability to adapt to stressors is as optimal as possible ⚡

The higher our adaptability, the easier we can respond to stressful situations, recover from illness + injury, grow, develop, and thrive! 🧠

Sometimes adaptability is also about checking kiddo's spines and nerve systems where THEY decide 😂

1241 days ago

Puzzle Answer

NumberWorks'nWords Lower Hutt

The answer to the square puzzle is 30.

1241 days ago

Looking for fridge/freezer

Laverna from Fairfield

Looking for good condition fridge/freezer. Either free or can pay few dollars for 1st homeowner. Please direct message me if anything avaliable. Many thanks

1241 days ago

Naenae’s new Pool and Fitness Centre designs have been unveiled

Hutt City Council

Come talk to the team about the proposed design each Saturday at the Naenae Market from now till November 6.

View and feedback on the proposed designs at:

• Naenae Library
• Coco Pop Up community space (Hillary Court)
• Online hutt.city/naenaepool

View more
Come talk to the team about the proposed design each Saturday at the Naenae Market from now till November 6.

View and feedback on the proposed designs at:

• Naenae Library
• Coco Pop Up community space (Hillary Court)
• Online hutt.city/naenaepool

We are keen to know:

• What do you like about the proposed design?
• We want to understand what the most important elements of the new facility are for you?
• The proposed design allows for many activities. Which ones are you most keen on?
• Tell us what else you would like us to know about the future Naenae Pool and Fitness Centre?
Read More

1242 days ago

Here's a cool idea for communicating with your neighbours without technology or breaching alert level rules...

The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

Each household gets 3 pieces of coloured paper that can be displayed in a window or on a door that others can easily see.

- Green is for I'm OK

- Yellow is for needing help or a check-in

- Red is for an emergency

This is a safe and simple way let others know how you're doing while … View more
Each household gets 3 pieces of coloured paper that can be displayed in a window or on a door that others can easily see.

- Green is for I'm OK

- Yellow is for needing help or a check-in

- Red is for an emergency

This is a safe and simple way let others know how you're doing while also looking out for others in your community.

1242 days ago

Delta Buster bus in Hutt Valley

Reporter Community News

Check out the Delta Buster bus in Lower Hutt this week.

1242 days ago

An Insight into Viscose

Robert Anderson from Curtain Clean (The Curtain Store)

Viscose, or Rayon, was the first regenerated fibre to be manufactured for commercial production in the early 1900s.

As a fabric, it is able to emulate the extremely soft handle and subtle sheen of natural fibres, whilst being more cost effective to produce. Therefore, resulting in the … View more
Viscose, or Rayon, was the first regenerated fibre to be manufactured for commercial production in the early 1900s.

As a fabric, it is able to emulate the extremely soft handle and subtle sheen of natural fibres, whilst being more cost effective to produce. Therefore, resulting in the continued popularity of viscose in fashion and soft furnishings.

Although viscose begins as a natural fibre, it is different from products like linen and cotton because it undergoes a manufacturing process. During this process, wood pulp is dissolved in alkali to make the solution called viscose, which is then squeezed through a nozzle or spinneret into an acid bath to create filaments called regenerated cellulose, and finally spun into yarn.

As with all natural fibres, viscose has a unique personality and requires special care. In this article we will discuss the characteristics of this versatile fabric, whether it is the right choice for your next project, and its unexpected enemy – H2O.

Characteristics of Viscose:
• Soft Handle
• Luxurious appearance and subtle natural lustre.
• Viscose yarn absorbs and holds dye well. Especially when piece dyed, a viscose product has the ability to reflect vibrant and bold colour.
• Can be engineered to resemble other natural fibres such as linen cotton and silk, while in most instances, can be more cost effective.
• Absorbent fibre and less durable when wet. We recommend that fabric qualities with a high percentage of viscose yarn are not washed or spot cleaned with water. Due to the absorbent nature of the yarn, spot cleaning can result in watermarks occurring.
• Dry Cleanable. In most cases we recommend a professional dry clean for compositions with a high amount of viscose.
• Low thermal retention. This characteristic mostly applies to the fashion apparel industry. Being a cellulose based fibre, it does not retain heat as well.
• As with all natural fibres, viscose can be susceptible to fading in direct sunlight due to the extreme UV conditions in Australasia. We recommend you are mindful of where natural fibres are situated in the home. In a drapery situation we always recommend a quality lining.
• For interior textiles, a fabric with a component of viscose yarn is extremely versatile and can be used in drapery, upholstery and accessory applications. We don’t typically recommend viscose fabrics to be used for bedding due to the fibre generally being dry clean only.
• A fabric that contains a viscose component can have the same fabric dye processes, finishes and printing applications as other natural fibres.

Keep reading: www.curtainclean.co.nz...

1244 days ago

SPCA Pet of the Day: Meet Marge

Reporter Community News

Meet Marge, who was once a stray.

"I am a very talkative girl who is always up for a chat with my special human. I have a lot to say, especially when you pat me! I'm also very affectionate, with a particular affinity for head butts, pats, and being picked up. Being slow and steady in … View more
Meet Marge, who was once a stray.

"I am a very talkative girl who is always up for a chat with my special human. I have a lot to say, especially when you pat me! I'm also very affectionate, with a particular affinity for head butts, pats, and being picked up. Being slow and steady in your interactions with me is really important, as I can get nervous and unsettled when approached too quickly or intensely.
I'm not your typical lap cat during the day, but at night I want nothing more than to be by your side, whether that's sleeping on you or near you. I love bean bags, and temptation treats (in moderation of course!). I'm not always down to play, but when I'm in the mood, I love ping pong balls and stringy toys!
I'm looking for a quiet home with indoor/outdoor access, and that gives me space and independence when I need it. I would prefer a home without other animals or children as my mood can sometimes change quickly if I feel threatened or am unsure of my surroundings."

1243 days ago

The Riverbank Market is back

Reporter Community News

Lower Hutt's Riverbank Market is back. From October 23 the Riverbank Market will be operating from 6am to 2pm on Saturdays.
There will be some changes under Level two as the market needs to space the stalls two metres apart to help maintain the required physical distancing.
There will be a … View more
Lower Hutt's Riverbank Market is back. From October 23 the Riverbank Market will be operating from 6am to 2pm on Saturdays.
There will be some changes under Level two as the market needs to space the stalls two metres apart to help maintain the required physical distancing.
There will be a small number of food trucks for takeaways only. No seating or tables will be available. The market under Level 2 will focus on offering fresh vegetables, fruit and other food items.
Other items and activities like arts and crafts, buskers and seating will return once the Wellington region is at Level 1.
There will also be a change to the layout of the market, it will be spread out so there is plenty of room for people to shop and social distance, this change means parking close to the market will not be possible.
There will be parking in the south end of the Riverbank car park only for $2 an hour and free on-street parking. Pedestrian and cycle access has not changed.
All market stalls will post their QR code for ease of use, QR codes will be located at entrance to market as well. To keep everyone safe, all market stall holders and their staff are required to wear face masks.
If you attend the market, you will need to be prepared, wear a mask, and remember you have to social distance and scan in.
