209 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Nicholas Boyack Reporter from The Hutt News

It is not Friday but here is a couple of lovely pictures from Rosa marie who ventured out from stokes Valley.
"A quick trip to Pāuatahanui Inlet today was a wee bit spoilt by the constant drizzle but what put the smile on the dial were the sight of not one but at least 3 fernbirds who were in the scrubby bits leading up to one of the huts. It made our day! There were some very cute little Canada geese chicks in the water too."

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1 day ago

Here's another riddle for you!

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What dies after drinking water?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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1 hour ago

This is quite a puzzler!

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has a bank but no money?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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12 hours ago

Office Desk wanted

Ian from Petone

We are looking for an office desk for a spare room, not too large but in good condition. Anyone got one for sale?
Cheers Ian