Kerikeri District, Kerikeri

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2771 days ago

Bay of Island Singers Concert

Rob from Kerikeri District

Sat 12th 7.30pm Turner Centre plaza. A cabaret of music from both sides of the Atlantic. Make a group of your friends and enjoy a relaxed fun evening.

2791 days ago

Rates Increase and more.

Chris from Kerikeri District

Kia Ora, I would lke to draw your attention to the article in Bay Chronicle July 17, page 3; in particular to the comments made by Jane Johnston.
Most people I know have also, like Rob Pink, said " what are we actually getting personally for our rates?"
Let me inform you that we are … View more
Kia Ora, I would lke to draw your attention to the article in Bay Chronicle July 17, page 3; in particular to the comments made by Jane Johnston.
Most people I know have also, like Rob Pink, said " what are we actually getting personally for our rates?"
Let me inform you that we are , indeed, getting "less bang for our bucks" Maybe you are quite content to pay out more than $55 per week and see nothing visible for your hard-earned money? Maybe you are quite happy with Council. Well good for you.
When I see that our new C.E.O is on a salary of " circa $300,000 per year" ( Council would not tell me the exact amount ) I then see why we have one reason why our rates are going up. This is a man with NO local government experience. Even after deductions this is a huge salary in one of the most socio-economically deprived areas in N.Z. A lot of people are struggling to exist on a low or minimum wage in the Far North and yet this man is on this huge salary. Can you begin to imagine how they must feel? It is disgraceful. (We urgently need a review of local government pay structures and awards.)
Apparently, he was appointed as a "head coach.' Can you believe that? Why is it that some Council staff need coaching anyway? Are they not experienced professionals; competent at their job? Are they that unmotivated that they need coaching? Surely this is part of John Carter's job? The mind boggles.
And as most people who have worked for local government know, the position of CEO means delegating a lot of one's work anyway; especially if you are 'learning on the job as you go and are busy coaching.'
Oh of course, the CEO's family is from the Hokianga and he is dedicated to working for the people of the Far North! How many times have we all heard this story?
At this point I should add that one of our local elected councillors has said to me: "I am personally disappointed with the progress – or lack thereof – of what is a vital inquiry into council procurement.(This relates mainly to the Ken Rintoul case). This is but one of a number of areas which I would like to see investigated to ensure that council staff have been following correct procedures. I stood for council on the basis of getting transparency around all council matters-and have continually been obstructed in my duties. Please let me know what further I can do-I have been active on a number of issues around the district and consider it is important that you keep voicing your concerns -to councillors directly , in the media ( like I am doing here) and on social media. "
I should say, that I replied but have had nor response as yet from this councillor. This seems par for the course these days: people don't like what you have to say so they ignore you or they are " too busy." Remember Volatire: " I may not like/agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Anyway, it is good that people like Jane Johnston speak out but , in reality, what can she or any of us actually do to stop council raising rates? Or anything else for that matter.
When we see that the Paihia and Kerikeri Ratepayers Association has, as was reported in the B.C, been largely ignored by Council re their input on the new Kerikeri Sewage plant, and that if they want to take it further they will have to go to the Auditor General , one has to wonder how much clout they have. Why is it that these groups have to spend so much time, money (man/woman hours) and hassle to go to the Auditor General anyway? Where is this so-called transparency, we keep hearing about by Council? By the way, does anyone really think the final costs of this scheme will be $21 million?
Furthermore, we have those poor people in Waimate North, again reported in the B.C, who have had this large shed ( It is out of place" ) plonked right on top of them in an area of outstanding National importance. Again, how did this happen? Why was it that the Heritage N.Z and Council people did not, it would appear, " Work Together " (Carter's maxim) so that Heritage N.Z new exactly what height and size et.c the shed was going to be before it was given consents.... ?
What all this boils down to, and I have personally asked Hon Winston Peters , our Northland M.P., to intervene,( no response on this, by the way) is to have an independent review of council procedures and practices ( in light of the Ken Rintoul and Waimate North cases) . and that does NOT involve any senior Council staff in any review. It must be totally independent. We should all be insisting on this. Peoples' faith and confidence in the council must be at an all time low.
And about 20%, yes 20% of your hard-earned money is going to councillors staff salaries-all 330 of them!
Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
And as a local Kerikeri business woman said to me just recently: " Isn't JohnCarter well last his sell-by-date anyway?"
I am speaking for myself when I say that I have had it up to her with the inefficient and not transparent service this council is providing ( they seem to lack common sense on so many issues, it is unreal) .
I feel we all deserve much better from the people we elected . One only has to recall the likes of Dave Edmunds ( ex CEO of the FNDC); Mike Sabin; Wayne Brown ,e.t.c to know that haven't had a good deal.

And if you think I am the only one complaining, then you cannot have been reading back issues of the Bay Chronicle in which folks like Derek Ellis; Rod Brown and Rob Sintes (amongst many) have been very vocal on matters relating to Council procedures and practices.

What IS the solution? Let's ALL stop paying our rates (just joking!).

2772 days ago

Interesting posts we've seen this month!

The Team from

A chicken apocalypse in Levin, a furry glove thief in Woolston and a bit of graffiti-proof kiwi ingenuity in Dunedin.

We've found a small selection of goodies from this month that we just couldn't help but share with you all. Click on the titles to see the original posts!

Did you … View more
A chicken apocalypse in Levin, a furry glove thief in Woolston and a bit of graffiti-proof kiwi ingenuity in Dunedin.

We've found a small selection of goodies from this month that we just couldn't help but share with you all. Click on the titles to see the original posts!

Did you know that you can browse posts from neighbourhoods across the country on our Public Notices tab? Any content shared to these public pages are posts that have been made with the "Public Post" box ticked.

2775 days ago

A place to call home

SBS Bank

Hi Neighbourly members. At SBS Bank we could have a home loan to help make your dream a reality. Whether you’re putting down roots for the first time, upsizing to suit a growing family, planning your dream home or looking to grow your wealth.

Apply online now or phone 0800 SBS BANK.
View more
Hi Neighbourly members. At SBS Bank we could have a home loan to help make your dream a reality. Whether you’re putting down roots for the first time, upsizing to suit a growing family, planning your dream home or looking to grow your wealth.

Apply online now or phone 0800 SBS BANK.
T&Cs apply.
Learn more

2777 days ago

Thinking out your Spring/Summer vege garden yet?

Bart van der Meer from Volunteering Northland 0800-865268

Have you got the "Green Fingers Gift"? or have you the knowledge and want to share? Bald Angels in Kerikeri need some help with their community garden; Mentors, working bees, coordinators, crop planners. Click the link for more info on the project and Bald Angels
"Our mission is to… View more
Have you got the "Green Fingers Gift"? or have you the knowledge and want to share? Bald Angels in Kerikeri need some help with their community garden; Mentors, working bees, coordinators, crop planners. Click the link for more info on the project and Bald Angels
"Our mission is to motivate communities to nourish their own tamariki (children) so that they can THRIVE." Please comment and Like this post. :-)

2777 days ago

N.Z's and our debt

Chris from Kerikeri District

N.Z's total debt, and increasing by the minute is over $83.5 million. Net inters per year on that is about $4.157 million. That equates to $132 per second. Per citizen : $ 17,736. " National debt Clock."

2777 days ago

Are you a pie-hard fan of pies? *WIN*

The Team from

We kiwis sure do love a good pie. InsPIEred by the 2017 Supreme Pie Award celebrations, we want to know where to get the best pie in YOUR neighbourhood!

Comment below where to find your best local pie, sweet or savoury, and you'll be in the draw to WIN a $50 Prezzy® card!
Winner … View more
We kiwis sure do love a good pie. InsPIEred by the 2017 Supreme Pie Award celebrations, we want to know where to get the best pie in YOUR neighbourhood!

Comment below where to find your best local pie, sweet or savoury, and you'll be in the draw to WIN a $50 Prezzy® card!
Winner announced Monday 7th August.

2778 days ago

Free online education for mini makers and do-ers!

MindLab Kids

What's fun, free, safe and tailor-made for creative Kiwi kids?, that's what! This super online learning website is the home of home-based fun for 5-12 year-olds. Sign them up today to get their creative cogs turning, and be in to win some cool freebies! Check it out!

2778 days ago

Support NZ Paralympians by joining Spirit of Gold Mufti Day - 8 Sept

Communications Manager from Paralympics New Zealand

Join us in 'going gold' for Paralympics New Zealand's annual Spirit of Gold® Mufti Day!
This year the event celebrates 6 months until our Paralympians compete in the PeyongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. Donations will greatly contribute to getting our team to South Korea.

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Join us in 'going gold' for Paralympics New Zealand's annual Spirit of Gold® Mufti Day!
This year the event celebrates 6 months until our Paralympians compete in the PeyongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. Donations will greatly contribute to getting our team to South Korea.

As a big thank you for your support, we will be awarding a Paralympian visit to two lucky organisations; one who raises the most funds, and one for the best photograph posted on social media with our #SpiritOfGold hashtag!

Head over to get your Mufti Day Toolkit and for other ways that your organisation can get involved in supporting us this September!

2778 days ago

Do you have an Avocado Orchard

Renate Ochse from One Agency Far North

Alan Broadbent of One Agency Far North has buyers who missed out on 5163 SH1 Ngataki that are actively looking for an avocado orchard. If you are interested in having a chat to Alan you can reach him on 0800 13 23 33 or 027 441 8149.

2779 days ago

Look who we've buddied up with!

Electric Kiwi

Hey neighbours - you might have heard about Electric Kiwi and our Free Hour of Power. Or that recently Canstar Blue awarded us the 2017 Most Satisfied Customers Award (Electricity Providers). But did you know we have some cool new friends?

Over at Electric Kiwi we're all about connections … View more
Hey neighbours - you might have heard about Electric Kiwi and our Free Hour of Power. Or that recently Canstar Blue awarded us the 2017 Most Satisfied Customers Award (Electricity Providers). But did you know we have some cool new friends?

Over at Electric Kiwi we're all about connections and building strong relationships with our customers, which is why we're proud to announce that we've joined up with the team at Neighbourly. Together, we're celebrating innovation and emPOWERing Kiwi communities (see what we did there?!)

We look forward to sharing more about our partnership with you soon. In the meantime, find out what makes us special.
Check us out

2779 days ago

Pet Week is now on!

FreshChoice Ruakaka

We’re celebrating our furry friends this Pet Week! You’ll find plenty of great savings on all of your cat or dog’s favourite treats in-store! Your cat or dog will be jumping for joy and on their purrfect behaviour when you come home with goodies!

2779 days ago

Co-founder of NZ Geographic to speak at Vision Kerikeri AGM - 19 August

Cliff Mail from Vision Kerikeri

Kennedy Warne who co-founded New Zealand Geographic in 1988 and was editor until 2004 will be this years guest speaker at our AGM.

He now writes for NZ Geographic and National Geographic and is heard fortnightly on Radio NZ’s national programme “Nine to Noon” in “Off the Beaten … View more
Kennedy Warne who co-founded New Zealand Geographic in 1988 and was editor until 2004 will be this years guest speaker at our AGM.

He now writes for NZ Geographic and National Geographic and is heard fortnightly on Radio NZ’s national programme “Nine to Noon” in “Off the Beaten Track”.

Anyone is welcome to come along and hear Kennedy.
2pm, 19 August - St John Hall, 357 Kerikeri Road

2780 days ago

How often do you change your sheets?


Do you have a shoes on or shoes off policy at your place? Are sheets changed regularly in your home, or just whenever suits? Do you know your neighbours' names?

Homed is conducting a survey to learn more not just about what happens behind your front door and throughout Kiwi communities. … View more
Do you have a shoes on or shoes off policy at your place? Are sheets changed regularly in your home, or just whenever suits? Do you know your neighbours' names?

Homed is conducting a survey to learn more not just about what happens behind your front door and throughout Kiwi communities. We'd love you to take part - plus we'll put you in the draw to win one of three $100 Prezzy® cards if you complete the survey by 7 August.
Take the survey

2782 days ago

Climate change

Chris from Kerikeri District

“ In Sir Nicholas Stern’s study, he concluded that unchecked climate change could lead to a 20% decline in GDP, an estimate that appears increasingly conservative as the science progresses.
The economic implications aren’t just about the direct costs of systems failing. We also need to … View more
“ In Sir Nicholas Stern’s study, he concluded that unchecked climate change could lead to a 20% decline in GDP, an estimate that appears increasingly conservative as the science progresses.
The economic implications aren’t just about the direct costs of systems failing. We also need to consider the costs of creating the required alternative economic infrastructure. The costs are often put forward as a reason for delay. In fact, the opposite is the case, because Mother Nature doesn’t wait for us to get around to it, so the impacts keep marching on and therefore the response becomes more expensive . Again taking the example of climate change , the International Energy Agency (IEA) has concluded that very year of delay on climate change increase the cost of building the new energy infrastructure required because the necessary rate of reduction gets steeper and steeper , stranding capital assets. They estimate ‘every year’ of delay means we will pay and extra $500 billion…….
Other studies have put a number on the total value of all ecosystem services to the economy. The most comprehensive attempt to do so was published in Nature in 1997 and has been cited thousands of times subsequently . Based upon a thorough literature review and compilation, the team of scientists and economists who produced the report estimated that the totals value of ecosystem services was between $16 trillion and $54 trillion annually, with an average of $33 trillion. They noted the uncertainties but took a conservative approach and stressed that, “ this must be considered a minimum estimate.” Versus this figure, they noted that total global GNP in 1997 was around half that at $18 trillion…..What we get from nature is fundamental to our economy , and with out these inputs we would in fact produce nothing. Yet most political debates are still framed in the context of environmental protection being “ nice to have” if we can afford it.

Taken from “ The Great Disruption “ by Paul Gildings.
