Windsor, Invercargill

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1759 days ago

Crazy travel deals for Kiwis

Trupti Biradar Reporter from Stuff Travel

If you've ever wanted to travel NZ, now is the time. These deals are incredible value.

1759 days ago

Harnessing tech to improve learning outcomes

NumberWorks'nWords Invercargill

By harnessing online learning to blend tech features with traditional teaching methods, students’ progress can be easily tracked and feedback can be given instantly. Read on to learn how an encouraging environment established within NumberWorks’nWords centres has been perfected and can be … View moreBy harnessing online learning to blend tech features with traditional teaching methods, students’ progress can be easily tracked and feedback can be given instantly. Read on to learn how an encouraging environment established within NumberWorks’nWords centres has been perfected and can be applied to students’ daily learning, so that when they finish their studies, they are more motivated than ever.

1759 days ago

'Mum and dad' landlords affected by law changes

Colleen Hawkes Reporter from Homed

The freeze on tenancy terminations has impacted 'Mum and dad' landlords in ways no-one could have predicted prior to Covid-19.

1759 days ago

Airways to withdraw services from Invercargill Airport

Nicole Johnstone Reporter from Southland Times

Airways New Zealand's decision to close the Air Traffic Control Tower at Invercargill Airport is disappointing, general manager Nigel Finnerty says.

1759 days ago

Nominate a favourite local for a Local Like!

The Team from

Got a local business that went over and above during lockdown? Is there one you’ve really missed - or one that's brightened your day? Maybe it’s a business who just needs a helping hand at the moment...

Nominate them for a Local Like! Your shoutout could appear as an advert on Stuff, on… View more
Got a local business that went over and above during lockdown? Is there one you’ve really missed - or one that's brightened your day? Maybe it’s a business who just needs a helping hand at the moment...

Nominate them for a Local Like! Your shoutout could appear as an advert on Stuff, on Neighbourly, or in your local paper. Plus you could win a bag of feijoas (or a $100 voucher to the business you nominate).
Nominate now

1759 days ago

Mission Feedback – Join the conversation

Mission Feedback

As a nation, we recently held a moving ANZAC Day commemoration. So now is a good time to reflect on how we treat our military personnel during and after their service. It speaks volumes about who we are as New Zealanders.

Let’s not leave those who serve our country behind.

Can New Zealand … View more
As a nation, we recently held a moving ANZAC Day commemoration. So now is a good time to reflect on how we treat our military personnel during and after their service. It speaks volumes about who we are as New Zealanders.

Let’s not leave those who serve our country behind.

Can New Zealand do more to ensure that past, present and future service people - and their whānau – are recognised and supported?

Join the conversation now at
Join now

1760 days ago

Poll: Should you take your shoes off at the front door?

Jo Haywood Reporter from Homed

Hey neighbours, how do you feel about this divisive household dilemma?

Is taking your shoes off in someone's home the right and hygienic thing to do, or do you see being asked to remove your shoes as a total imposition?

It's one of many home dilemmas we come across on Homed, along with… View more
Hey neighbours, how do you feel about this divisive household dilemma?

Is taking your shoes off in someone's home the right and hygienic thing to do, or do you see being asked to remove your shoes as a total imposition?

It's one of many home dilemmas we come across on Homed, along with toilet paper over or under? cutlery up or down in the dishwasher? top sheet or no top sheet?, to name a few. Read more about the arguments for each and see how many people agree with you, here.

Should you take your shoes off at the front door?
  • 59.5% Yes
    59.5% Complete
  • 8.1% No
    8.1% Complete
  • 32.4% Only in other people's homes, if they ask
    32.4% Complete
37 votes
1760 days ago

Reverse Equity Mortgage gives you options.

SBS Bank

Make the most of your retirement with less stress, and a whole lot of fun with SBS Unwind, a Reverse Equity Mortgage loan. The idea is simple – homeowners aged over 60 stay in their house but free up some money from the property to live their life.

Use the money however you like, while the … View more
Make the most of your retirement with less stress, and a whole lot of fun with SBS Unwind, a Reverse Equity Mortgage loan. The idea is simple – homeowners aged over 60 stay in their house but free up some money from the property to live their life.

Use the money however you like, while the flexible loan means regular payments aren’t required and you can repay all or some of the loan at any time.

For more details visit our website, contact your local SBS branch or call 0800 727 2265.

Eligibility Criteria, Terms and Conditions, and fees apply.
Find out more

1760 days ago


The Staff from Avenal Park Funeral Home

Avenal Park Funeral Home in Invercargill continues to support families throughout this time. We can assist with:

● queries relating to funerals and headstones
● preplanning and prepayments
● funeral gatherings (under current restrictions)
● planning of memorial services (for a future … View more
Avenal Park Funeral Home in Invercargill continues to support families throughout this time. We can assist with:

● queries relating to funerals and headstones
● preplanning and prepayments
● funeral gatherings (under current restrictions)
● planning of memorial services (for a future date)
● personalised caskets
● use of our chapel and facilities
● monumental work – headstones, plaques and memorials
● meeting your needs and wishes the best we can

We are registered members of the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand (FDANZ) and the New Zealand Master Monumental Masons Association (NZMMMA). Kia Kaha from the staff at Avenal Park Funeral Home
Find out more

1761 days ago

Back your backyard

Trupti Biradar Reporter from Stuff Travel

As we settle into life in Alert Level 2, we're excited to see a bit more of NZ. Join us as we showcase the best close-to-home travel experiences Aotearoa has to offer.

1762 days ago

Big shout out to our neighbours

New World

We’ve been proud to work with some amazing charities over the past few months who have been helping Kiwis up the road, down the road and ‘round the corner, to get through.

Join us in thanking all the outstanding New Zealanders at The Student Volunteer Army, Kiwi Harvest, Kaibosh, and food … View more
We’ve been proud to work with some amazing charities over the past few months who have been helping Kiwis up the road, down the road and ‘round the corner, to get through.

Join us in thanking all the outstanding New Zealanders at The Student Volunteer Army, Kiwi Harvest, Kaibosh, and food banks like The Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch City Missions.

Ngā mihi maioha.

Find out more
