305 days ago

Could you spot the signs of a heart attack?

Heart Foundation NZ

Heart attack is a leading cause of death in New Zealand.
Learn to recognise the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack, so you know what to do if you see or experience them. Don’t try to walk it off, wash it off or push through it. Make the right call, it may save your life.

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4 days ago

Celebrating heritage

NZ Lotto

Funds raised by Lotto New Zealand players fuels growth of Hakaru community hall

From joyous celebrations like weddings and birthdays, to solemn gatherings for farewells; Hakaru Community Hall stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of its community.

The hall has been the heart of Hakaru for nearly a century and recently underwent a refresh to meet the changing needs of the community with funding support from Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grants Board.

“The grant has been huge in helping us make improvements, including the installation of a new entrance and upgrading of some of our older amenities,” says Secretary Dennis Reeve.

Over the years, the Hall has witnessed generations come together in times of happiness and sorrow and symbolises more than just a space, it’s a bond that unites the Hakaru community.

The grant also recently helped the hall committee to expand its offerings from hosting dance, yoga, and pilates classes to providing a space for local musicians to practice.

With every step forward, Hakaru Hall is committed to fostering connection, culture, and community spirit for another century to come with the help of local grants.

This is just one of the incredible causes keeping our heritage alive, with 100% of Lotto New Zealand’s profits going back to support thousands of great causes all over Aotearoa. So, every time you play any Lotto New Zealand game, it’s a win for our communities.

Read more Local Grants recipient stories
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5 days ago

Keep yourself protected against Covid

Ministry of Health

It might not be making quite so many headlines these days, but unfortunately, Covid is still here. If you’re 65 or over, taking care of yourself is just as important as ever.

The good news is, keeping up to date with the Covid vaccine can help protect you from serious illness. It’s free. And recommended for you and many others as long as you haven’t had the vaccine, or Covid, in the last 6 months.

To book your vaccination, or talk to your healthcare provider.
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5 days ago

As voted by you New Zealand

Jane Mander Retirement Village

Ryman is proud to be recognised as New Zealand’s Most Trusted Brand in Aged Care & Retirement Villages once again! So we want to say THANK YOU Aotearoa, for your continued trust and support. Together, we’ll continue building vibrant communities where everyone can thrive.

Here’s to 10 more years of trust and excellence! #Ryman #MostTrusted #Community

Click read more for more information.
