What can I do to shop safely?
Dear concerned citizen,
It’s important that we all try and shop safely as we unite against COVID-19.
Here’s a few things we should all now do, that will help slow the spread of the virus:
• send one person from your household to do the whole shop
• be aware that stores will limit numbers to help you keep 2 metres away from others
• be kind to essential workers, and others you’re sharing the shop with
• come with a list so you can get in and out as quickly as possible
• only touch what you want to buy
• if you like, take a soapy towel in a small container to wipe down trolley or basket handles etc
• keep 2 metres away from others, including staff. They need to keep safe too!
• use payWave if you can, not cash
• bag groceries away from others if you can
• take out produce when you get home, and wash first in soapy water to protect against the virus, then rinse to remove any soap residue wipe down packaged goods with a soapy clean towel, then dry
• wash your hands before and after you shop.
Can I bring people in my household with me to buy essential supplies?
You should dedicate one person per household to be the shopper. This is the safest way to get essential supplies, as it reduces the number of people who are out, and helps stop the virus from spreading.
Leaving online shopping to those who need it most
• If you are healthy, or aged under 70, you should go to the supermarket to do your shopping. This leaves online delivery slots free for those that need them most.
• If you’re a parent on your own with children or over 70, move to online shopping if available. This is important for the safety of your children and others – especially essential service providers.
• If that’s not possible, reach out to nearby friends, family or neighbours who can assist you with the shopping and get it to your doorstep. Your local community may also be able to assist, or you can contact your local store – some are putting special systems in place to help.
Thank you
If we all do our bit we’ll get through this. Thank you for working together and staying home. We can, and must stick with it.
Have you got a great recipe for feijoas?
Kia ora neighbours. If you've got a family recipe for feijoas, we'd love to see it and maybe publish it in our magazine. Send your recipe to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, and if we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of our March 2025 issue.
Favourite holiday finds
Hi there,
We're putting together an article on Kiwis' favourite holiday finds, and would love to hear about any great new places you discovered on your holidays and are happy to share.
It could be a beach you'd never been to before, a walking track you'd never tried, a town that pleasantly surprised you or a particularly good cafe, restaurant or bar. Please feel free to comment here or to message me directly. Please put 'NFP' in your comment or message if you do not want your name or suggestion published.
Thank you very much in advance.
Have you got an amazing shed? Show us!
Last year, Whangārei's Angela Lucas and Mike Mattin, pictured here with Cashew, saw their “tilted” shed named Resene Shed of the Year. They received a $1599 GARDENA SILENO City 250 robot lawnmower and $1000 worth of Resene paints/wood stains, as well as a one-year subscription to NZ Gardener. This year's prizes are up for grabs, so it's time to send in the photos and the stories behind your man caves, she sheds, clever upcycled spaces, potty potting sheds and colourful chicken coops.