Te Huia trains cancelled for two weeks
Wot I rote:
'Are you nuts? No Te Huia service in the holidays? Who thought that one up? Someone with no children, no holidays, no life.
We use Te Huia pretty much only IN the holidays.
You can tell me that AT have cancelled their services for maintenance of tracks, but we know Auckland is nuts. That's why we want a train service so we can get in, get out, without having to actually engage or deal with Aucklanders or their transport. What else would you expect of them? Somebody might actually rely on their services, give up their car and the cloggy commute if there was a reliable service, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
But I expected better of you guys .I thought we were aiming for a 'First World service', not an amateur hobby railway.
The whole London Transport network runs everyday. Repairs are done at night, and, granted, some parts of the network probably do need more maintenance, but it wouldn't occur to them to close the WHOLE NETWORK for two weeks because they fancy an amble and a poke on the rail tracks.
It might sound like I am angry but actually I am astonished, shocked and disappointed. This is not how you run an infrastructure, and you can tell AT from me, any opportunity you get because they are not interested in feedback from anyone outside their network who doesn't have an AT Hop card.
I have spent many conversations supporting a new rail line, how it is the way of the future for any modern country, singing your praises at the naysayers, asserting that a good rail service is one sign of three for me of a civilised country, and now you tell me, at the busiest tourist season in the country, in the largest city, that there are NO TRAINS at all running.
I will have to swallow my words now, suffer the humiliation of the crowing of the petrolheads and hang my head in shame.
Very disappointed, A Williams

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