125 days ago

Food + Dentures - what should you avoid?

The Denture Man

If you’re wearing dentures, it’s important to be mindful of the foods you eat. Some foods can be difficult to chew and may cause discomfort or damage to your dentures. Here are some foods to avoid when wearing dentures:

- Sticky foods like chewing gum
- Hard, crunchy foods like raw vegetables, fruit, crackers, popcorn, crusty bread, and whole nuts
- Stringy meat

Remember, when you first get your dentures, it’s best to stick to soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing.

Gradually transition to solid foods, but be sure to cut them into small pieces and chew slowly. Avoid holding any drink in your mouth for too long as it could loosen the bottom dentures. And don’t forget to avoid spicy foods as they can irritate sores that may exist underneath the false teeth on your gums.

Book your appointment now by calling us 027 347 3246 or visit our website.
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More messages from your neighbours
7 days ago

NBLY Conversations: What is the etiquette for bin day?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We think there are unspoken rules for bin day, but are we adhering to the same ones?

Do you think twice about dragging your bin to the pavement in the early hours? Do you mind if neighbours put excess rubbish in your bin? Share your bin day etiquette and let's compare notes!

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

17 hours ago

As voted by you New Zealand

The Team from Ryman Healthcare

Big news in our community!

Ryman has been voted New Zealand’s Most Trusted Brand in Aged Care & Retirement Villages for the 10th time! So we want to say Thank You Aotearoa, for your continued trust and support. Together, we’ll continue building vibrant communities where everyone can thrive.

Here’s to 10 more years of trust and excellence!

Click read more for more information.
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19 days ago

Engineer con could take years to unwind

The Team Reporter from Hamilton Press

Hamilton City Council faces a “financial burden that is unprecedented” in the wake of Jonathan Hall’s fraudulent building sign-offs, and the full extent of the damage remains “largely unknown”.

That’s according to the victim impact statement from council, written by regulatory services unit director Cory Lang.
