170 days ago

New Year, New Plan!

The Team from NZ Compare

As the Holiday Season approaches, it's the perfect moment to review your broadband and power bills.

Ready to SAVE in 2023? Compare effortlessly at www.broadbandcompare.co.nz... and www.powercompare.co.nz... New year, new plan, new provider? Sounds good!

More messages from your neighbours
4 days ago

Poll: Are swear words no longer?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

In 2023, Apple amended its autocorrect function to allow Iphone users to freely use their intended word without mentioning 'ducks'. Is this a sign of the times? Are swear words no longer taboo in our communities or workplaces?

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

Are swear words no longer?
  • 20.6% Yes - swear words don't phase me
    20.6% Complete
  • 48.8% No - it's still inappropriate to swear
    48.8% Complete
  • 29.9% It's depends on the word
    29.9% Complete
  • 0.7% Other - I'll share below!
    0.7% Complete
2396 votes
1 day ago

Will you visit Fieldays?

Libby Totton Reporter from Waikato Times

Gloomy overhead Waikato weather wasn’t enough to deter those wanting to be first through the gate at the National Fieldays.

Lines had started forming by 7am on Wednesday at Mystery Creek, as the crowd counted down to the gates opening at 8am.

2 hours ago

Sunshine state of mind

The Team from Resene ColorShop Hamilton

Create a mood-enhancing workspace at home with a fresh and uplifting colour palette with Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen and Resene Lustacryl.

Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
