35 days ago

Poll: Who is the 2024 Prospa Local Business Hero?


It's clear that small businesses can really be the backbone of a community. It’s been a joy to read the Prospa Local Business Hero nominations from around the country and we’ve now decided upon eight finalists.

With $10,000 worth of prizes up for grabs, it's up to you to decide who deserves the title of 2024 Prospa Local Business Hero.

So have a read of the nominations below and cast your vote...

Mary & Sam Danielson - The Puketapu Hotel
Hawkes Bay
'On Feb 14, 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle flooded many of the rural areas. Puketapu Hotel went under perhaps half a meter of water. However, immediately Mary Danielson and her son, Sam Danielson, along with their loyal staff pulled it together to cook copious amounts of food that without electricity would have been wasted. Throughout the years many of us have been treated with a pub gathering where we can reconnect and a free meal. At Christmas there was Santa, games, gifts for kids, donated patchwork for adults, an ice cream truck and lots of camaraderie.
This February on the cyclone anniversary, they again pulled out the stops to give hundreds of us a special night. We are all tired of the cyclone cleanup and they understood that it was needed.'

Ian Harvey (& Des Banks) - Flower Bazaar
'I'd like to nominate my local florist, Ian and Des at Flower Bazaar on Innes Rd, Chirstchurch. The friendliest guys you could meet, always supporting their fellow retailers in the area and going above and beyond for their customers. They know my family well, and when my mother sadly passed away last July they even went out of their way to close the shop and come to her memorial service. With cost of living issues for a lot of us nowadays, it can't be easy for small businesses, especially those not selling everyday essentials. It's important we support each other and keep these little guys afloat. I can't sing their praises enough. I hope they win something, they really do deserve it.'

Vivienne Shepherd - The Glass Button Tailor
'The proprietor of this business is so kind. She will come to your home or business to discuss your need for repairs alterations or bespoke requirement. As it is often impossible to give a quote for work to do with tailoring she will give a guesstimate, if her time exceed this figure, she will charge that figure no more. But if the work takes less time, this will be the figure. Also, a client who eventually came to Vivienne had taken, a dress she very much liked, to another repair and alteration business who messed it up. Vivienne adjusted to fit well, straightened the one to straight back seam as well as other adjustments. She spent hours on it but charged well less than this time, due to empathy for the disappointment created by the bad job. Vivienne Shepherd is truly focused on doing the best by her clients. She definitely pursues excellence.'

Aaron Hickmott - Master of Gingerbread
Palmerston North
'He consistently turns out a wide range of biscuits on the shelves in both standard AND gluten free versions - he's our go-to when we need a treat to take to dinner at a longtime friend's place who requires gluten free food. His specialty is gingerbread of course and he sells Gingerbread House kitsets to people all over NZ!
The shop is small but inviting and he keeps loyalty cards for regular customers, bonus treats! I only found out recently that he struggled with dyslexia and left school early, but is a born baker and has gone from strength to strength. Long may he practice his craft!'

Alicia Sinclair & the Team - Atawhai Industries
New Plymouth
'Definitely Atawhai Industries New Plymouth. Great crew and management. Prompt service, experienced skilled workers who are cheerful and polite. I was very impressed with the dangerous job they had to do for me and will definitely be calling them for future work. They do so much for the community and help get work for people who would otherwise have difficulties.'

Jitesh Patel - Creswick Foodmarket
'I'd like to nominate Jitesh & Hine at Creswick Foodmarket, Northland. Their tidy shop has everything one might need. And if what I am looking for is not there, they consider bringing it in for me. This avoids a lot of travelling across town for me. They also are very community-minded, contributing quietly to events and kids club. I'm glad they are in my community.'

Nicola Read, John Read & Team - Read Bros - Hardware
'I'd like to nominate Read Bros in Thames. The staff are so knowledgeable and helpful. If it's not in stock they will order it in for you. There you get treated as a person, rather than a number.'

Paul Ayers - Ayers Shoes Repairs
'I'd like to nominate Ayers Shoe Repairs in Hillside Road of Dunedin. They repair many things, not just shoes. Paul does a great job at a very reasonable price. They rang me as soon as my job was ready to collect. They are friendly and helpful.'

Vote for your pick in the poll below...

Who is the 2024 Prospa Local Business Hero?
  • 33.8% Mary & Sam Danielson - The Puketapu Hotel
    33.8% Complete
  • 9.5% Ian Harvey - Flower Bazaar
    9.5% Complete
  • 3.3% Vivienne Shepherd - The Glass Button Tailor
    3.3% Complete
  • 15% Aaron Hickmott - Master of Gingerbread
    15% Complete
  • 5.2% The Team - Atawhai Industries
    5.2% Complete
  • 20.6% Jitesh Patel - Creswick Foodmarket
    20.6% Complete
  • 3.9% Nicola Read & Team - Read Bros Hardware
    3.9% Complete
  • 8.6% Paul Ayers - Ayers Shoes Repairs
    8.6% Complete
811 votes
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8 hours ago


Fatima from Milson

I was really skeptical about Juice Plus as well. I thought ok what can this products do for me. Then I was invited to a small meeting with other ladies who have taken the plunge and started their business. I really took all their information onboard. I came home and did more research. I contacted my sponsor, Anne-maree and she really listened to my story and background.

My back story is this: I have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety and severe stress. My lungs have also been infected the last 9 months due to chest infections. So now I think why my immune system be infected long term but I can do something about it. I started on the Complete Chocolate sachets and they were fantastic. Loved it and the energy boost they gave me was fantastic. I can use it as a breakfast smoothie or during the day when I need an extra boost.

The cost of joining Juice Plus+ is $58 and what do you get for that. You get your own website, 24 hour online support and your sponsor helps you too. You get online courses to help you get started and learn the ropes. I have done the courses and trust me it helps. I have gone over them a couple of more times when I can't remember something. Then I take more notes and I ask the other ladies/men in the Juice Plus+ family for support and trust me they will be there for you no matter what.

Also, there is a healthy family start program. If you have children, you know the importance of giving them a healthy start in life. We believe that healthy kids come from healthy homes, so we’ve made it our mission to help the whole family cultivate positive habits. Healthy Starts and the Family Health Study is a wellness initiative designed to inspire healthy living at home and empower families to make the simple but meaningful lifestyle changes that will propel them forward on their journey to better health.

We also believe that adopting a healthy lifestyle is a holistic effort, which is why we focus on four core pillars of wellness:

Core 4 icons Healthy Starts Eating well means eating with balance. In addition to making sure we get enough fruits and vegetables in our diets, portion control and regular mealtimes are also key nutritional habits.

Core 4 icons Healthy Starts Drinking enough water is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Replacing sugary drinks with water, eating high water content fruits and vegetables, and replenishing fluids after exercise are all key steps to living and feeling your best.

Core 4 icons Healthy Starts A healthy lifestyle is an active one. Whether it’s just adding a few minutes to playtime each day, or pushing yourself toward new fitness goals, finding ways to get your family moving is necessary to keep everyone healthy..

Core 4 icons Healthy Starts Sleep and stress management are often overlooked in the health picture. Setting healthy bedtime habits for the whole family and finding ways to cope with day-to-day stress are vital not just for mental health, but for physical health as well.

Even after you have read this post and you think it's not for you. It could resonate with you that you might have a family member or friends who might benefit from this.

Follow my link and see what Juice Plus+ offers and imagine you could also become a Juice Plus+ online business owner.

There are attached pictures of what Juice Plus+ can do for you, your family and friends.