48 days ago

Leg ring for duck wanted

Joan from Masterton District

Would anyone be able to supply me with one leg ring for a while Pekin duck. None of the pet shops sell them now and I only want one not ten in a packet.

It is for a duck called Ivor. He is the only surviving ducking out of 22, what with eels, cats and disease taking their toll.
Ivor the survivor, is now nearly as big as his mother.
With four white ducks I will soon be having trouble knowing who is who.

He has an idyllic life swimming and duck diving in my stream, and comes up for a meal when he feels a bit peckish, always with Mum. Bit of a spoilt only child.
Happy to pay and pickup.

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1 day ago

Handyman wanted.

Elisabeth from Carterton District

Is there a local handyman in Carterton who can swap our fridge freezer door hinges from the right side, to the left side.
This is so that the door will open in the opposite direction.
Many thanks.

21 hours ago

Challenge your brain...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

Three doctors all say Robert is their brother. Robert says he has no brothers. Who is lying?

Click 'Like' if you know the answer!

The answer will be revealed here at 2pm.

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11 hours ago

What's On: Mākara Emergency Response Practice

Heather from Newlands

A Community Emergency Hub is a place for the community to gather and coordinate after a disaster. Come along to practice opening the hub in an earthquake scenario.
Mākara Emergency Response Practice
  • Mākara Model School