Happy Grandparents Day!
Happy Grandparents Day to our fantastic neighbours!
We wish you a day filled with celebration for your poppa, nan, koro, grandma or g'dad, while also remembering those who are no longer with us.
May your day be brimming with joy and treasured memories!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their amazing nominations! Your stories have touched our hearts deeply. And the winner is... Koko Grant, nominated by Khalei-Marley Taylor-Karaitiana! Congratulations!
Addictive Eaters Anonymous
Freed from my secret life
I came to my first meeting because my obsession with food was driving me crazy mentally, and because I was afraid I would not be able to stop putting on weight. I was embarrassed and angry about being there. I found the meetings very confronting and I only managed two, even though it had been suggested by a member to go to six. I stayed away for several months and then came back to stay, after more time of battling over and under eating and the obsession with food. I had already been in Alcoholics Anonymous eighteen months at that stage. After putting down alcohol and drugs, the food obsession became extreme.
Missing Please Help!
Hi these guys went missing from Northcote 10th November, there has been a possible sighting of them both together near Winters Rd. Please help us get them home :) Contact details are in the POST