Rangitira Island, Chatham Islands

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2403 days ago

Calling Kiwi kids who dig gardening!


Have you got your entry in for the Young Gardener of the Year Awards yet? It’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to share their passion for growing fresh, nutritious food!

Judged by Chef Al Brown and Gardener Dan Mackay, there are four categories that primary schools around … View more
Have you got your entry in for the Young Gardener of the Year Awards yet? It’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to share their passion for growing fresh, nutritious food!

Judged by Chef Al Brown and Gardener Dan Mackay, there are four categories that primary schools around the country can enter.

The T&G Passion for Growing Award is open to ALL primary schools nationwide that have a veggie garden to recognise gardening achievements.

Prizes for the winning school include a free online membership to the Garden to Table programme, a garden design by Dan Mackay, GARDENA accessories and a tree from T&G.

So encourage your local primary school to get stuck in, it’s super quick and easy to enter.

Supported by T&G and Garden to Table.
Find out more

2406 days ago

Share your green tips to WIN!


Got any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Share them on our page, and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our commitment to helping our environment thrive. Share tips now

2411 days ago

Do you know what sick leave you’re entitled to?

Sacha Green from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand

With winter bugs doing the rounds, it’s worth knowing what the rules are about sick leave. So what are you entitled to?

• In general you’re entitled to 5 days’ of sick leave each year after you’ve worked for your employer for 6 months.
• You can accumulate any unused sick leave up … View more
With winter bugs doing the rounds, it’s worth knowing what the rules are about sick leave. So what are you entitled to?

• In general you’re entitled to 5 days’ of sick leave each year after you’ve worked for your employer for 6 months.
• You can accumulate any unused sick leave up to a total of 20 days.
• Sick leave can be used when you’re sick or when you need to be off work to look after someone else who is sick or injured (your partner, child, or someone who relies on you for care).
• Even if you’re a part-time or casual worker, you’re still entitled to 5 days’ of sick leave a year (once you’ve worked for 6 months continuously or for an average of 10 hours per week, and at least one hour in every week or 40 hours in every month).
• Your employer can require you to provide a medical certificate if you’re sick for 3 or more days in a row, and you’ll need to pay to get it. If they want proof of sickness sooner then they will have to pay the costs of getting the proof.

These are the minimum sick leave entitlements. Your employer can agree to give you more.

Check out our website for more information about sick leave and other employment rights and responsibilities. If you’ve got questions get in touch with a CAB near you, call us on 0800 367 222 (0800 FOR CAB), or contact us online.

2413 days ago

Calling Kiwi kids who dig gardening!


The Young Gardener Awards 2018 are open! So it’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to get their green fingers dirty again.

The new T&G Passion for Growing Award is open to ALL primary schools nationwide that have a veggie garden.

So go on, encourage your local primary… View more
The Young Gardener Awards 2018 are open! So it’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to get their green fingers dirty again.

The new T&G Passion for Growing Award is open to ALL primary schools nationwide that have a veggie garden.

So go on, encourage your local primary school to get stuck in. Share your passion for growing fresh, nutritious food and win! There are some amazing prizes up for grabs and it’s really easy to enter.

Supported by T&G and Garden to Table.
Enter now

2413 days ago

Superheroes raise money for deaf kids

Loud Shirt Day

Are there any superheroes in your neighbourhood?

This September we are raising money to help deaf children listen and speak and we’d love to have you join our squad! Thousands of workplaces, schools and community groups will put on their loud shirts to support deaf Kiwi kids with cochlear … View more
Are there any superheroes in your neighbourhood?

This September we are raising money to help deaf children listen and speak and we’d love to have you join our squad! Thousands of workplaces, schools and community groups will put on their loud shirts to support deaf Kiwi kids with cochlear implants.

Loud Shirt Day is a great way to commit serious fashion crimes and have a whole lot of fun. This year's theme is Superheroes, so grab your brightest, funkiest superhero outfits to wow others and raise money for a great cause. Register at loudshirtday.org.nz and we’ll send you a free fundraising pack. It’s that easy!

If you're keen to help kick-start our fundraising efforts, good news! You can donate via Givealittle here.

Thanks for your support,
(Loud Shirt Day Coordinator)
Register now

2418 days ago

Poll: Do you agree with the new firearm rules in schools?

Georgia Reporter from Stuff

Students are no longer able to hold or shoot army guns at school under new government guidelines. The move comes after much public debate on the appropriateness of firearms being brought into schools, including when soldiers taught children as young as nine how to assemble and shoot assault rifles … View moreStudents are no longer able to hold or shoot army guns at school under new government guidelines. The move comes after much public debate on the appropriateness of firearms being brought into schools, including when soldiers taught children as young as nine how to assemble and shoot assault rifles at a leadership exercise in Palmerston North last year. However students can still use firearms as part of shooting clubs and competitions. Click here to read the full article and guidelines.

So what do you think of the new rules? Are you for or against them?

Do you agree with the new firearm rules in schools?
  • 40.7% Yes, the guidelines are great
    40.7% Complete
  • 50.2% No, this is PC gone mad
    50.2% Complete
  • 9% I'm on the fence on this one
    9% Complete
2776 votes
2423 days ago

Minister's balancing act

The Team from ACC New Zealand

ACC Minister Hon. Iain Lees-Galloway recently swapped his suit for shorts and a tee to join a ‘Live Stronger for Longer’ strength and balance class. These classes help us as we age to retain lower body and core strength, remaining active to avoid falls.

No-one is bullet proof, falls happen … View more
ACC Minister Hon. Iain Lees-Galloway recently swapped his suit for shorts and a tee to join a ‘Live Stronger for Longer’ strength and balance class. These classes help us as we age to retain lower body and core strength, remaining active to avoid falls.

No-one is bullet proof, falls happen and some can result in broken bones, pain and long healing times and can also make us fearful of falling again. Losing confidence can really affect quality of life.

Live Stronger for Longer strength and balance classes are growing nationwide. Visit www.livestronger.org.nz and join a class near you, you’ll find lots of practical information, advice and resources on how to live an active, healthy and independent life.

Proudly brought to you by ACC, MoH, HQSC and your local community health providers.
Join a class near you

2427 days ago

Exciting opportunity - work in remote Western Australia!

Ngaanyatjarra Health Service

Ngaanyatjarra Health Service are seeking Primary Health Care Nurses and are offering highly competitive remuneration packages.

This role contributes and supports the overall multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the remote health team's endeavour to treat illness, promote health … View more
Ngaanyatjarra Health Service are seeking Primary Health Care Nurses and are offering highly competitive remuneration packages.

This role contributes and supports the overall multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the remote health team's endeavour to treat illness, promote health well-being, maintain health systems, provide education, training, encouragement and support community health initiatives.

Highly competitive remuneration package, attractive salary packaging options, professional development incentive and 11 weeks off per year.

Expressions of Interest - Permanent and Casual positions available.

For more information and to apply please visit www.nghealth.org.au

Indigenous applicants are encouraged to apply.
Find out more

2429 days ago

We're proudly supporting Plunket - you can too!

The Warehouse New Zealand

The Warehouse is proud to support Plunket, because we believe that every baby deserve a good start in life. By adding a donation at your local The Warehouse store, all money raised goes to providing a family in need with a baby essentials pack.

The Warehouse, partnering with you for a better … View more
The Warehouse is proud to support Plunket, because we believe that every baby deserve a good start in life. By adding a donation at your local The Warehouse store, all money raised goes to providing a family in need with a baby essentials pack.

The Warehouse, partnering with you for a better community.
Explore now

2432 days ago

AMP Scholarships. Dreamers wanted.


Since 1998 AMP has dedicated more than $2.4 million towards helping over 300 everyday Kiwis realise their dreams. If you’ve got a passion you want to turn into a reality, an AMP Scholarship could help you get there. Apply today! Find out more

2435 days ago

ACC Invoices: Get it done online

The Team from ACC New Zealand

If you haven’t got it already, you’ll soon see your ACC invoice in your mailbox. 📬 Here’s a few things to help make sure you’ve got all the info you need:

🙂 A nifty guide to understanding your invoice: ➡ acc.nz...

🤔 Not sure why you received an invoice? ➡ acc.nz...

View more
If you haven’t got it already, you’ll soon see your ACC invoice in your mailbox. 📬 Here’s a few things to help make sure you’ve got all the info you need:

🙂 A nifty guide to understanding your invoice: ➡ acc.nz...

🤔 Not sure why you received an invoice? ➡ acc.nz...

😶 Have some questions about your invoice? Ask Jules our new chatbot ➡ acc.nz... (and 🤖 Look for Jules’ chat icon 🗨 bottom right of the business pages.)

🙄 Need to pay your invoice? Do it online: ➡ acc.nz...
Get it done online

2437 days ago

Poll: Vote for your favourite superhero movie!

Stuff Pix

Vote for your favourite Marvel Studios movie from Stuff Pix and enter to win 1 of 5 Ant-Man and the Wasp prize packs, including merchandise and cinema tickets.

Check out all the great superhero movies on stuffpix.co.nz/superhero-pix

Vote for your favourite superhero movie!
  • 9.3% Ant-Man
    9.3% Complete
  • 34.5% Thor Ragnarok
    34.5% Complete
  • 31.5% The Avengers
    31.5% Complete
  • 16.7% Iron Man
    16.7% Complete
  • 8% Doctor Strange
    8% Complete
1744 votes
2438 days ago

Spend $100 and get a cleaning product FREE!


Clean up around your place with your choice of a free Resene cleaning product when you spend $100 or more at your local Resene ColorShop. Plus get 10L of Resene Ceiling Paint white for $99*!

These offers are available to Resene ColorShop/DIY cardholders. If you don’t have one you can … View more
Clean up around your place with your choice of a free Resene cleaning product when you spend $100 or more at your local Resene ColorShop. Plus get 10L of Resene Ceiling Paint white for $99*!

These offers are available to Resene ColorShop/DIY cardholders. If you don’t have one you can sign up free when you’re in store. Hurry offer ends 23 July 2018!
*Tinting and PaintWise levy extra.
Learn more

2441 days ago

Thinking of hiring a Tradie?

Consumer Protection

Thinking of hiring a local contractor to do some renovations on your house? A good rule of thumb is to obtain more than one quote, particularly if you are investing a large sum of money.

- Do you know the difference between a quote or an estimate?
- Will you need to hire multiple contractors?
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Thinking of hiring a local contractor to do some renovations on your house? A good rule of thumb is to obtain more than one quote, particularly if you are investing a large sum of money.

- Do you know the difference between a quote or an estimate?
- Will you need to hire multiple contractors?

There can be big differences in the prices – make sure you ask why. If you want a good result, the more you think about upfront the better. Follow our checklists, information, and tools to help you through the process.
Find out more

2443 days ago

Make an emergency plan

The Team from Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management

Emergencies are unpredictable, therefore it’s really important to make a plan to help you get through.

Having a discussion about alternative meeting places, what to do if you can’t contact each other or making a list of supplies are good things to think about when making a plan for an … View more
Emergencies are unpredictable, therefore it’s really important to make a plan to help you get through.

Having a discussion about alternative meeting places, what to do if you can’t contact each other or making a list of supplies are good things to think about when making a plan for an emergency.

What will be on your plan?

