2293 days ago

Did you know?

Future Skills Academy

Did you know that there are over 22,000 building consents processed by Auckland Council each year?
These require 160,000 inspections to be carried out by building control officers.

Being a building inspector or a consent processing officer is a rewarding and challenging career. As a building inspector, there is variety in your days and you spend time on the road visiting building sites to monitor progress and interacting with many people in the industry. Jeff Fahrensohn, Inspections Manager from Auckland Council came to Future Skills Academy Manukau Campus recently to talk about Auckland’s commercial and residential building boom and the opportunities it provides to Building Control Officers.

Currently, there are many developments happening in Auckland and Building Inspectors and Consent Processing Officers are in high demand with attractive salaries working for Council or in the private sector starting from $70,000 pa. Auckland Council Building Control has 800 staff. Auckland Council projections are that they need to recruit at least 50 staff with a recognised qualification in Building Control each year.

The New Zealand Diploma in Building Surveying, Level 6 is Auckland Council’s preferred qualification for employment as a Building Control Officer. Call or visit our website to find out more!

More messages from your neighbours
6 days ago

Show us your winter craft or DIY projects

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

When we are stuck inside, it can be a time to get creative. And we think Neighbourly members are quite a creative bunch. So, let's fill the Neighbourly newsfeed with crafty creations from across the country.

Share a photo below of your craft projects, recent DIY, or your hobby. You may just inspire someone else!

1 day ago

Poll: Should you ask before planting tall shrubs/trees near your property line?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

It may be fine now but in a few years trees can block out light or views for neighbours.

Do you think neighbours should ask before they go ahead and plant these?

Should you ask before planting tall shrubs/trees near your property line?
  • 68.5% Yes, always ask
    68.5% Complete
  • 30.4% No
    30.4% Complete
  • 1.1% Other - I'll share below!
    1.1% Complete
787 votes
17 days ago

Let's get social

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Tell us what groups you'd like to see in your area...(walking groups, coffee meet-ups, swing dancing, a family tree group - anything at all!)

Or if you are already in a great group, share it here for others to get involved.
