Royal Oak, Auckland

Voted for NZ's Merriest Home yet?

Voted for NZ's Merriest Home yet?

Check out the finalists and take your pick!

126 days ago

Create your own water garden

The Team from Resene ColorShop Onehunga

Enjoy water-loving plants in any part of your garden with this easy-to-build water planter finished in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Pickled Bluewood. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

151 days ago

Show us your winter craft or DIY projects

The Team from

When we are stuck inside, it can be a time to get creative. And we think Neighbourly members are quite a creative bunch. So, let's fill the Neighbourly newsfeed with crafty creations from across the country.

Share a photo below of your craft projects, recent DIY, or your hobby. You may … View more
When we are stuck inside, it can be a time to get creative. And we think Neighbourly members are quite a creative bunch. So, let's fill the Neighbourly newsfeed with crafty creations from across the country.

Share a photo below of your craft projects, recent DIY, or your hobby. You may just inspire someone else!

126 days ago

LOVE TO DANCE | Applications open now!

Logan Campbell Retirement Village

Win one of three $5,000 grants to support your community’s love of dance!

Whether it’s pre-schoolers or seniors, Scottish dancing or salsa, kapa haka or Kathak, breakdance or ballet – if you’re encouraging people of all ages and abilities to keep moving through dance, we want to hear … View more
Win one of three $5,000 grants to support your community’s love of dance!

Whether it’s pre-schoolers or seniors, Scottish dancing or salsa, kapa haka or Kathak, breakdance or ballet – if you’re encouraging people of all ages and abilities to keep moving through dance, we want to hear from you!

Know someone who could use our support? Click read more to apply!

126 days ago

Senior Constable Don Allan's monthly newsletter

Colleen from Onehunga

Hi Neighbours,
There's lots of info in this newsletter ..... Neighbourhood Support Tamaki Makaurau shares their info on page 11 , w2hat they do, where and how to join. I did it for a few years, it's very rewarding knowing you're helping to keep areas safer. Just the sight of the … View more
Hi Neighbours,
There's lots of info in this newsletter ..... Neighbourhood Support Tamaki Makaurau shares their info on page 11 , w2hat they do, where and how to join. I did it for a few years, it's very rewarding knowing you're helping to keep areas safer. Just the sight of the vehicle may be enough to put a criminal off progressing to commit a crime. You can sign up using the QR code on the page.
There's information on pages 13,14 & 15- Dog safety tips for kids when they see a dog.
There are maps of each of the areas and their incidents coded separately, e.g burglary, theft ex car, theft ex shop( no drugs) unlawful taking/conversion M/V's, Wilful damage.
....... below is the latest - July -Onehunga crime details.....
The streets in Onehunga with multiple incident during July 2024 were:
Grey St (5 incidents) 3 x burgs, 2 x theft ex-car
Arthur St (3 incidents) 1 x burg, 1 x theft ex-car, 1 x stolen
Paihia Rd (3 incidents) 1 x burg, 1 x theft ex-car, 1 x stolen vehicle.
Campbell Rd (3 Incidents) 2 x burgs, 1 x theft ex-car.
Onehunga Mall ( 2 incidents) 1 x burgs, 2 stolen vehicles. Moana Ave (3 incidents) 2 x burgs, 1 x theft ex-car. Quadrant Rd (2 incidents) 1 x burgs, 1 x theft ex-car.
Mt Smart Rd (2 incidents) 1 x theft ex-car.
Neilson St (2 incidents) 2 x burg.
Arthur St (2 incidents) 1 theft ex-car, 1 x stolen vehicle. Symonds St (2 incidents) 1 x burg, 1 stolen vehicle.
There are maps also for incident for July - Hillsborough, Onehunga South and Onehunga, Te Papapa, Oranga. There are incident maps for June - Greenlane, Ellerslie, Royal Oak, Epsom South .

Don has added attachments for CFFC - Money-Mules-Booklet
& CFFC-Little-Book-of-Scams (Fraud) e.g. business email compromise scams, door-to-door scams, romance scams, identity theft, investment scams ..... the list continues . Please read these, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER !

Well... Spring is around the corner so we'll be able to dry out :-)

Stay Safe, Don is always there to help if you have concerns.
He's very approachable and kind.



CFFC-Money-Mules-A5-Booklet_ONLINE1.pdf Download View

CFFC-Little-Book-of-Scams.pdf Download View

August newsletter 2024.pdf Download View

127 days ago

Old microwave

Gaurav from Epsom

We just bought a new microwave so giving away our old microwave. It's old but works fine. More photos available on request


136 days ago

Show me the money

Phillip from Mount Eden

So, I went to my local cash machine to take some money out and found my bank specific automatic teller had been replaced by a generic one. Only when the transaction was nearly complete I was informed it would cost me nearly three dollars!!! The business that the machine was attached to informed me … View moreSo, I went to my local cash machine to take some money out and found my bank specific automatic teller had been replaced by a generic one. Only when the transaction was nearly complete I was informed it would cost me nearly three dollars!!! The business that the machine was attached to informed me that there was a planned roll out of this to many of the non bank machines. Tough on crime rhetoric? Try tough on banks. The recent news of paywave rorting coupled with ever diminishing active branches speaks volumes about the coldness of the bottom line. Capitalism is the root cause of a multitude of sins, from climate change to endemic poverty. What's the solution? Higher corporate taxes? Radical nationalisation of industries like telcos and utilities to subsidize social programs? The whole fabric of our future society depends on finding answers.

128 days ago
128 days ago

Contaminated lollies

The Team from

A white lolly brought into a drug checking clinic in Auckland was found to contain a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine.

What you need to know:
- The lolly was in Rinda pineapple wrapping.
- It contained approximately 3g of methamphetamine, which is up to 300 regular doses.
- … View more
A white lolly brought into a drug checking clinic in Auckland was found to contain a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine.

What you need to know:
- The lolly was in Rinda pineapple wrapping.
- It contained approximately 3g of methamphetamine, which is up to 300 regular doses.
- Consuming this much methamphetamine is extremely dangerous and could result in death.
- Ministry of Health are unsure how widespread these contaminated lollies are, so we recommend not eating them.
- It is understood the lolly was in a sealed package that was donated to the Auckland City Mission and that some lollies may have been distributed to people in food parcels.
- People who have consumed them reported an unpleasant chemical taste.

If you or someone you know has eaten one and feels unwell, call 111 immediately.
Symptoms might include:
• Chest pain
• A racing heart
• Seizures
• Hyperthermia
• Delirium
• Loss of consciousness

128 days ago

Auckland Open Days

Logan Campbell Retirement Village

16 & 17 August, 10am - 2pm

Our villages are open and you’re invited to explore them. Discover our living and care options, tour our show homes, and see the amenities on offer.

Come along and experience why New Zealanders have voted us most trusted brand, for the tenth time.

We look … View more
16 & 17 August, 10am - 2pm

Our villages are open and you’re invited to explore them. Discover our living and care options, tour our show homes, and see the amenities on offer.

Come along and experience why New Zealanders have voted us most trusted brand, for the tenth time.

We look forward to seeing you.

Click read more to find a list of all our villages and dates for our open days.

128 days ago

Stress and Tension? Suffering from Neck and Shoulder Stiffness and Pain?

Evergreen from Evergreen Natural Health Epsom Clinic

** Free 15min Shoulder & Neck Relaxation Massage**

** Perfect for Busy Professionals**

Feeling the strain from long hours at your desk? Our targeted shoulder and neck massage is designed to melt away tension and stress in just 15min. Ideal for busy professionals, this quick session will … View more
** Free 15min Shoulder & Neck Relaxation Massage**

** Perfect for Busy Professionals**

Feeling the strain from long hours at your desk? Our targeted shoulder and neck massage is designed to melt away tension and stress in just 15min. Ideal for busy professionals, this quick session will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

**Bonus: Stress Relief Herbal Consultation**

Enhance your relaxation with a complimentary herbal consultation. Our expert will recommend personalized stress relief herbs to support your wellbeing ,keep you calm and increase the ability to handle the stress throughout the day.

Promotion ends 31 Aug 2024.

Please book with our massage therapist Hannah:

Call Toll-Free 0508 383 747, then press 1 to the clinic.



Address: 463A Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023

130 days ago

21 habits that prove you’re a boomer

Brian from Mount Roskill

The way we use (or fail to use) our tech is a sure-fire indicator of the generations – so which “boomerisms” are you guilty of?
The way we think about getting older has changed over the past few decades. New descriptors such as “midlife” and “young adult”, as well as the increased … View more
The way we use (or fail to use) our tech is a sure-fire indicator of the generations – so which “boomerisms” are you guilty of?
The way we think about getting older has changed over the past few decades. New descriptors such as “midlife” and “young adult”, as well as the increased prominence of strict generational divides “millennial”, “Gen Z” and, of course, “baby boomer”, have changed the way we perceive our age.
Endless culture war discourse, pitting young against old, has made us forget just how fluid the ageing process can be.
To give an example, the hit 1980s American sitcom The Golden Girls focused on a cast of elderly single women who were very much in their twilight years. In 2022, And Just Like That…, a follow-up to Sex And The City, premiered, focusing on a cast of midlife women who were still working, earning and having plenty of sex. The main characters in each series were 55, showing just how much our idea of “old” has changed.
However, there are still areas where your age can start showing if you’re not careful. We asked under-30s what they consider signs of “boomerism” and how they do things differently…
Texting with one finger
If you’re holding your phone in one hand and using one finger of the other to type on your phone’s keyboard, that’s a sure sign you’re a baby boomer. Young people either hold the phone in both hands and text with their thumbs, or balance the phone on their little finger and type with the thumb of the same hand - yielding quicker results.
Trying to pay with coins to park the car
Do you have a change purse specifically for when you come to park your car? That’s a sign you’re a boomer. In 2024, young people pay for parking with an app on their smartphone. All well and good, unless you’re parking at a beauty spot in the countryside without phone reception…
Owning a cheque book
Many well-meaning parents and grandparents will pull out their cheque book for a relative’s birthday or Christmas present, but the truth is many young people have no idea what to do with these slips of paper. The decline of high-street banking meant, until recently, that cheques could never be banked. Nowadays banking apps enable us to scan photos of cheques and cash them virtually, but it’s still a convoluted process.
Using Facebook and not TikTok
While it used to be the case that young adults would spend hours a day scrolling through Facebook, even having an account nowadays is considered cringeworthy. Findings from Savanta’s State of the Youth Nation Tracker earlier this year found that while 17% of British people “loved” Facebook, only 3% of Gen Z did. In contrast, TikTok usage is surging, with 47% of Gen Z saying they use it multiple times per day.
Miming a phone call
Imagine you want to indicate to someone that you’ll give them a call. If you raise a thumb to your ear and point your little finger out, that’s boomer behaviour. Young people who’ve grown up without landlines and those fiddly speakers and receivers simply hold a flattened hand to their ear, like a smartphone.
Printing tickets/boarding passes for planes
Perhaps it’s a marker of our relative trust in technology. If you’re the type who carefully prints off boarding passes, theatre tickets, or - God forbid - road maps, rather than trusting your phone to deal with it all, then you’re probably a boomer. If you’re storing all these documents in plastic wallets then there’s no helping you.
Tipping the delivery driver
Harkening back to the days where takeaway delivery was paid on arrival rather than during the ordering process, having some cash for the delivery driver is a sign you’re a boomer. Young people may offer a small tip on whatever app they used to order, but don’t count on it.
Sending/expecting to receive thank you cards
These days the sending of thank you notes after birthdays or Christmas isn’t de rigeur. It’s not that we’re ungrateful, it’s just we express it at the time rather than afterwards.
Not wearing sunscreen
According to the British Skin Foundation, we should be wearing sunscreen practically any time we go outside. However, boomers haven’t taken this message to heart, especially the men. According to a survey by the organisation, 45% of over-50s admitted to not using sunscreen at all, even in summer.
Opening a car window
You pull up to the traffic lights and, lo and behold, there’s your friend in the car next to you. “Roll down your window for a chat”, you want to gesture. If you’re frantically winding the air, you’re a boomer. Gen Z simply jab the air beside them to indicate an electric window switch.
Turning the internet off
If you’re the type of person who turns off the Wi-Fi, you’re almost certainly a boomer. The savings you make from doing so are minimal. According to Which?, households only save about £20 ($42.54) a year by turning off their appliances instead of leaving them on standby.
Texting in general (ellipses at the end of texts, replying ‘Ok’)
There are almost too many strange boomer texting habits to name. Many choose to end clauses with random ellipses (is it to create a sense of intrigue…?). Or perhaps you’re the type who desperately needs to get the last word in, by responding “Ok” to text messages. Or do you illustrate every message with emojis? (For example: “I am in a traffic jam 🚗🚗🚗 and will be late 🕙 to get home 🏠 tonight 🌆”.) Young people have their own text-based neuroses: use of exclamation marks entirely too frequently to convey upbeat attitudes and enthusiasm; correct usage of fullstops strikes fear into the heart of an under-30, leading them to believe they’ve done something to anger or offend.
Ringtones/keyboard/camera noise
While young people might be glued to their phones, they take a “seen and not heard” approach. You’ll never meet an under-30 with a ringtone any louder than a subtle vibration. As for all the other noises that phones make; keyboard tapping sounds, camera shutter noises, text alert pings; turning them off is vital if you don’t want to seem like a has-been.
Caring about self check-outs and QR codes on restaurant menus
If you’re expending your energy to get angry about these things, you’re probably a boomer. Young people are so used to technology speeding things along while shopping or dining, they don’t even think about it.
Being bad at taking selfies
Taking a selfie is one of the clearest means of working out which generation you’re from. If you never do it at all, you’re probably a boomer. If you have a thumb in the shot, or you’re looking at your screen rather than the camera, you’re Gen X. If you use the inner camera, you’re a millennial. If you’re turning your whole phone around to use the outer camera flawlessly, you’re Gen Z.
Having a landline phone
They’ve become obsolete. If you can’t reach a young person on their mobile phone, give up. The only use under-30s have for landlines is kitschy aesthetic value.
Turning your phone landscape to take a picture
While film, television, and computer screens have conditioned older generations to think of visuals in terms of widescreen formats, young people are much happier snapping and filming vertically. As more and more of our media is consumed via mobile phones, expect to see more major films optimised to be displayed vertically.
Being able to find something to watch on TV without planning
With the rise of countless online streaming services, there’s no reason for young people to watch anything “because it’s on”. If you can switch on the TV and find yourself happily watching The One Show or an old episode of Top Gear, you’re probably a boomer.
Keeping a paper diary
Replaced entirely by iCal and Google Calendar, don’t expect to see a young person scheduling appointments in a physical book. Even so, W.H. Smith need not panic just yet. Diaries have found a new lease of life among the young as a mindfulness technique.
Holding on to paperwork for years ‘just in case’
Do you have a drawer full of old council tax bills, notifications from energy suppliers, and ancient receipts? If so, you’re probably a boomer. Email receipts, online accounts, and smartphone apps have rendered such things unnecessary.
Taking photos with an iPad
For many boomers, owning an iPad came before owning a smartphone, hence the best camera you owned may have been more associated with your tablet than your mobile. Times have changed, though. The camera on your iPad is purely ceremonial: the most recent edition of the device has a 12-megapixel camera, four times less powerful than that of the latest iPhone.

130 days ago

Keep yourself protected against Covid.

Health New Zealand

It might not be making quite so many headlines these days, but unfortunately, Covid is still here. If you’re 65 or over, taking care of yourself is just as important as ever.

The good news is, the Covid vaccine can help protect you from serious illness. It’s free, and recommended for you and… View more
It might not be making quite so many headlines these days, but unfortunately, Covid is still here. If you’re 65 or over, taking care of yourself is just as important as ever.

The good news is, the Covid vaccine can help protect you from serious illness. It’s free, and recommended for you and many others as long as you haven’t had the vaccine, or Covid, in the last 6 months.

To book your vaccination, go to or talk to your healthcare provider.
Find out more

130 days ago

new CD & DVD

Mabel from Hillsborough

Whitcoulls CD-R 700MB plus Imation DVD+R 4.7GB, 16 pieces each, in original package. Pick up from Hillsborough.

Price: $18

130 days ago

Winter Stock Clearance

The Shop Manager from Red Cross Shop Onehunga

Kia Ora Neighbours,

Now is the time to mark next week in your diaries!🤩

We’ve got 2 reasons to share the love ❤️
World Youth Day 🫶🏾 and Winter Stock clearance ✌🏾

We are having a massive clear out! 🥳
Huge sales are about to take place and we want to give you a heads up on … View more
Kia Ora Neighbours,

Now is the time to mark next week in your diaries!🤩

We’ve got 2 reasons to share the love ❤️
World Youth Day 🫶🏾 and Winter Stock clearance ✌🏾

We are having a massive clear out! 🥳
Huge sales are about to take place and we want to give you a heads up on it😎

Get your reusable bags and ready and pop to fill them up with us.
50% off selected stock (exc. Designer Brands).

We are open everyday Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday 10:00am to 5:00pm


You can find us at 200 Onehunga Mall Road, Onehunga

131 days ago

New lottery, new home

Heart Foundation Lottery

For only $15 a ticket, you could win this brand-new, fully furnished Jennian home located in the picturesque Cooks Beach, Coromandel.

Valued at over $1.2 million, this home features three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open-plan kitchen, living, and dining area. It is waiting to be loved by its… View more
For only $15 a ticket, you could win this brand-new, fully furnished Jennian home located in the picturesque Cooks Beach, Coromandel.

Valued at over $1.2 million, this home features three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open-plan kitchen, living, and dining area. It is waiting to be loved by its new owner.

Make this property your permanent residence, a holiday home, a rental, or simply sell it!

Get your tickets today at
Find out more
