29 days ago

Real Estate

Winston from Harcourts - Winston Saga

Thinking about moving but wondering what your current home is worth? Click the link to find your home’s Sale Price Estimate, free!

Want to know how much your home is worth? Find out now! homeasap.com...

More and more Vendors and Landlord coming to the Market.

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1 day ago

Why is the...

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

Why is the letter A like a flower?

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20 hours ago

Reasons to Organise Self Storage in Winter

Alan Storage from Kiwi Self Storage - North Shore

Self-storage units offer significant benefits to homeowners, and winter is an ideal time to store certain items away. As the days get shorter a decluttered home can feel lighter and more appealing.

Before reading on, if you have questions about getting the most from a storage unit, our teams at Kiwi Self Storage, are here to help.

To get you started, here are four reasons why you want to organise winter self-storage.

Reason One: You'll Make More Room

Is your garage always full, leaving no room to park the car? Are you worried about clutter and lack of floor space? Renting a self-storage unit can help free up extra space. You can store everything from excess summer sports equipment to outdoor furniture or items you don’t need daily. By using off-site storage, you’ll finally get the extra space in your home you’ve been wanting for ages.

Reason Two: Storing Equipment Frees Up Space

As cooler weather arrives, things in the garden slow down. You don't need to worry so much about lawn and garden maintenance. Items such as the lawnmower, hedge trimmer and other garden tools take up valuable space in the garage or shed. If you'd like more space to use for other things throughout the winter months, renting a storage unit is an easy and affordable way to create the additional space you need.

Reason Three: Preserving Outdoor Furniture Makes Sense

Winter weather can deteriorate exposed outdoor furniture and umbrellas. One day it may be sunny and warm, and the next it may be damp and cold. Severe weather fluctuations can affect your outdoor furniture, modern furniture in particular, especially if it is not covered. If you’ve invested in your outdoor furniture, you’ll want to keep it looking great for years to come.

Reason Four: Protecting Against New Zealand’s Damp Winter Conditions

New Zealand's winter can be particularly damp, which can lead to mold and mildew problems in homes. By using a self-storage if your home lacks climate control, you can protect your belongings from the effects of dampness. Items like clothing, books, and electronics can be safely stored without the risk of moisture damage, ensuring they remain in good condition throughout the winter months.

Why not arrange a tour of one of our storage Facilities?

We'd love to discuss your storage needs with us and take you on a tour of our facility. That way you can be confident that our storage solution is what you need. What's more if you change your mind we can provide a different unit when you move in.

Either call to arrange an appointment to view
0800 58 57 56
or use our 'contact us' page to get a quote from our team.


We also have video tours of our facilities on the webpage for each location.

21 hours ago

Poppa's pulled pork

Bert Sutcliffe Retirement Village

As the weather cools and cosy evenings become the norm, there’s nothing better than cranking up the heat and treating yourself to heartwarming comfort food. If you're craving a winter recipe that'll warm you from the inside out, look no further than Brent's irresistible slow-cooked pulled pork. Its smoky, aromatic scent often wafts from Brent’s apartment at Ryman’s Kevin Hickman Village, tempting taste buds and stirring appetites. With its tender meat and velvety sauce, this dish is every bit as delicious as it sounds – you’ll be reaching for seconds, thirds, and maybe even fourths!

Click read more for the full recipe.
