89 days ago

Neighbourly Q&A: The Garden Guru

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Can't make your roses sing? Wanting to know when to start planting your broccoli? We are kicking off our Q&A series with Jo McCarroll in the hot seat answering questions on all things gardening from 9am Friday.

As well as being the author of Vege Patch From Scratch, Jo is also the editor of NZ Gardener magazine and has been for 15 years. She is looking forward to answering your gardening questions.

Whether you're dipping your toe in the soil or have seasoned green fingers, we welcome you to...
↓ Share your question with our gardening guru below... ↓

More messages from your neighbours
20 hours ago

NBLY Conversations: What is the etiquette for bin day?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We think there are unspoken rules for bin day, but are we adhering to the same ones?

Do you think twice about dragging your bin to the pavement in the early hours? Do you mind if neighbours put excess rubbish in your bin? Share your bin day etiquette and let's compare notes!

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

1 day ago

Jammies for June

Sally from Mellons Bay

Highland Park Library are a collection point for Jammies for June!

Middlemore Foundation are asking for new PJ’s sizes 0 to XL, and new blankets.

Just drop them into the baskets on display!

20 hours ago

Four 65” Panasonic 4K TVs up for grabs worth $3,999 each

TV Guide

This winter, we are celebrating the 2024 Olympics with our TV Guide readers with a chance to win 1 of 4 65” Panasonic 4K TVs worth $3,999 each.

Pick up a copy of the TV Guide each week starting from the June 1 - 7 issue, find the codeword, and follow the directions to be in to win! We’ve put a codeword in each of the following three issues, so find them all for more chances to win. You’ll have until July 3 to enter online or mail in your codeword. T&Cs apply.
Learn more
