Kia ora all.
Im just wondering if anyone else has had any problems with changes to your names when getting another birth certificate?
I needed a new birth cert in order to get a replacement driver licence.
Gave them my name as spelt on my neighbourly profile.
They said they could not find my details under the name i had given.
Now, as far as spelling, everything is correct.
My last name is 2words in one. With a space between the 2. My last name
"Te Maro".
As i have always spelt it.
Just like my parents and grandparents etc.
Yet, birth,deaths,marriages say there is no person of that name with a space in the system.
They can only find me under
"TeMaro".(Still looks like 2words)
I told them i have always had the space on my birth cert. They disagreed.
Anyway i didnt think it was a huge deal. Because it seems its still 2words because of the capital "M".
Continued off to apply for replacement driver licence.
Now. Names on licences are all spelt in capitals. Hmmm.
I advised that my name has a space.
They said they have to spell it the way it is on my birth cert. No space.
Big problem.
Everything in my lifetime iv applied for has a space in my name. All accounts, banking, IRD, etc. Everything has my last name with a space.
I told them that and they told me i will just have to change ALL my accounts.
Certain accounts i have to provide photo ID. ID that has name exactly spelt as my account is.
No way.
I found a picture i took of an expired driverlicence of mine.
The last name has a space in it on that licence. Meaning, name with space is in birth,deaths,marriages files. Yes?
I know i have an older copy of a birth cert that has a space in my last name, somewhere. Just got to find it. Cant remember where iv put it. Hence why i just went to get another one.
Im glad i did, otherwise i would never have known about the illegal change that i wasnt notified about.
What about you?
My siblings names has that space, my parents (both departed from life)marriage cert has the space.
With my grandparents names (fathers parents) on there that has the space.
So now i have been closed off from certain accounts. Because the names do not match exactly. So im told i am NOT who i am.
Once i find an older birth cert then i will have undeniable proof.
If i cant find it i will have to seek help for copies from other government departments such as IRD or hopefully my bank has a copy.
I hope its not going to cause me too much hassle.
Has anyone else had this problem with their name being illegally changed by the system?
Does anyone know why this has happened?
Has there been an update in the B,D,M computer system causing this issue?
Im going to seek legal advice.
How dare the system change who i am.
Im positive i can get my name back to the way it has always been within the system.
My evidence is building.
Taking photos of ones identification papers etc and having copies of parents, grandparents and siblings ID papers are a must.
Protect your identity people.

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