Free consultation and free stress relief head/neck/shoulder massage
Anxiety often reflects in women’s health.
Due to the hustles of daily life, people are prone to be physically and mentally busy and impatient, and unconsciously incorporate anxiety into their daily work and life. Stress and anxiety have become the normal state of life. Stress and women’s health can worsen each other, we are passionate about supporting women’s health problems caused by stress and anxiety.
Symptoms of women’s health problems:
1. Premenstrual tension (PMT)
2. Period pain
3. Dark period with blood clots
4. Lightness or absence of period, early menopause
5. Spotting
6. Heavy period and tiredness
7. Menopause syndrome with anxiety/ depression
8. Dull/pale face, fatigue
9. Dry skin with wrinkles, dry lips with cracks, dry/brittle hair, dry and dull eyes with dark circles, dry vagina
10. Infertility
Women’s health problems often cause emotional distress and even anxiety in long term, you may check if you have the following symptoms while suffering from the women’s health problems:
1. Fearful: dark, strangers, being left alone
2. Over - worried, over- thinking, busy mind.
3. Irritability
4. Easily moved to tears
5. Trembling, feelings of restlessness, unable to relax
6. Impatient, frustrated
7. Sleeping problem
8. Difficulty in concentration, poor memory
9. Tinnitus, and/or blurring of vision
10. Feeling of weakness, fainting feelings
11. Palpitations
12. Chest pressure or constriction, choking feeling, shortness of breath
13. Comfort eating and/or food cravings
At Evergreen Natural Health Epsom Clinic, we have a qualified and experienced natural health care team with expertise in integrating mental health consultation, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, herbal formulas, and relaxation/therapeutic massage, to provide comprehensive treatments for women’s health conditions and associated anxiety/ depression problems.
For anxiety/ depression treatment costs, some health insurance companies can cover all the costs incurred.
Talk to us today to find out the personalised treatment strategy for your conditions.
Call Toll-Free 0508 383 747, then press 1 to the clinic.
Email: evergreenclinic.auckland@gmail.com
Address: 463A Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023
Website: www.evergreenclinic.co.nz...

⚠️ DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS. If you love them, don't leave them. ⚠️
It's a message we share time and time again, and this year, we're calling on you to help us spread that message further.
Did you know that calls to SPCA about dogs left inside hot cars made up a whopping 11% of all welfare calls last summer? This is a completely preventable issue, and one which is causing hundreds of dogs (often loved pets) to suffer.
Here are some quick facts to share with the dog owners in your life:
👉 The temperature inside a car can heat to over 50°C in less than 15 minutes.
👉 Parking in the shade and cracking windows does little to help on a warm day. Dogs rely on panting to keep cool, which they can't do in a hot car.
👉 This puts dogs at a high risk of heatstroke - a serious condition for dogs, with a mortality rate between 39%-50%.
👉 It is an offence under the Animal Welfare Act to leave a dog in a hot vehicle if they are showing signs of heat stress. You can be fined, and prosecuted.
SPCA has created downloadable resources to help you spread the message even further. Posters, a flyer, and a social media tile can be downloaded from our website here: www.spca.nz...
We encourage you to use these - and ask your local businesses to display the posters if they can. Flyers can be kept in your car and handed out as needed.
This is a community problem, and one we cannot solve alone. Help us to prevent more tragedies this summer by sharing this post.
On behalf of the animals - thank you ❤️

Who’s the Smarty-Pants in the Neighbourhood? Let’s Find Out!
I’m not alive, yet I grow with care.
I wear ornaments, lights, and sometimes a star to bear.
My evergreen presence fills the air, bringing joy to the hearts of those who prepare.
What am I?
Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.
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