Who are these people? Auckland’s local elections candidates
To make choosing easier, We have revamped our candidate directory search tool where you can read about the people standing in your area.
Go to voteauckland.co.nz/findcandidates and type in your street address, select the type of candidates – mayor, councillor, local board or all to look up specific candidates standing in your area.
Voting opens Friday 16 September and closes midday Saturday 8 October.
Dog nuisance
Can’t help but notice while out walking that an irresponsible dog owner is letting their dog regularly foul the berm of an Eastcliffe Road property opposite the corner of Rahopara Street. So dirty and unfair to residents!
Blocked wastemaster water in container under the sink!
Appreciate some advise or help please!
Need someone to call and check my wastemaster as maybe blocked by others staying with me!
In Castor Bay thanks Diana