noise on xmas day/night
I thinkcouncil have really excelled themslves this year
my =wife is termin=+ally ill and was looking forward to her last xmas,
around 10am a stereo blasted through my yard and inside my house
gone were our plans to have an outdoor breakfast,this very loud stereo
continued around 11am I rung council, who said they would send someone out within an hour,noone came stereo continued by now ruining lunch outdoors as plannedso I rung them back around 1.30 to be told jjob was still being processed 3 hors later.stereo got louder as the
day progressed family and friends left as they could not stand the noise
I rung council several daughter called council at midnight to be told she was 28th in the line 45 mins later phone was answered.same again at 2am after noone showing. next day she rung back to enquire on
outcome as did myself.the call logged arond midnight was responded to at 7.20am an=d they did not find it loud despite being 4 doors away.the 2am call was responded to at 7.40am.
seven hours to respond to a call I think they have excelled this time
did anyone elseh%ave an issue with them xmas night
n=ot looking forward to new years eve when council usually have a 3am amnesty for these inconsiderate selfish people

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