27 days ago

Real Estate

Winston from Harcourts - Winston Saga

Thinking about moving but wondering what your current home is worth? Click the link to find your home’s Sale Price Estimate, free!

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More and more Vendors and Landlord coming to the Market.

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More messages from your neighbours
1 hour ago

North Shore Embroiderers Guild Open Day @ Glenfield Library

Honour Zhu from Glenfield Library

You are welcome to come and meet some members of the North Shore Embroiderers' Guild, see what they do, look at their current projects, ask them questions and have a go at embroidery yourself.
They will bring a little bookmark kit for people to "Have a Go".

1 hour ago

North Shore Embroiderers Guild Open Day @ Glenfield Library

Honour Zhu from Glenfield Library

Come and meet some members of the North Shore Embroiderers' Guild on Saturday at Glenfield Library, see what they do, look at their current projects, and ask them questions.
They will take a little bookmark kit for people to "Have a Go".

19 hours ago

Can you figure this one out neighbours?

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What is something that is free outside but you would have to pay for in hospitals?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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