571 days ago

Enrol now in 2023!

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi

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Are you looking to further your study goals? Or are you wanting to try something new? Rukuhia te mātauranga – pursue knowledge with courses at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

Choose from a wide variety of subjects and programmes, ranging from certificates and undergraduate degrees to Master and Doctorate level. With subjects including, education, humanities, indigenous studies, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, radio broadcasting, sciences, marae centred learning and much more! With delivery available at multiple sites and some with online delivery we invite you to find out more.

It isn’t too late to enrol! Contact us now
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More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

Worst Xmas ever?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

There's a a lot of planning that goes into Christmas day and sometimes things just don't go to plan. But it can be a good thing - a family mishap or hilarious memory that you can laugh about in Christmases to come.

Whether you burnt the dinner or were stranded at an airport...

Share your Christmas mishaps below!

5 hours ago

To my Clients and Customers,

Gabrielle Elborough from Sell with Gabrielle, Mairangi Bay & North Shore

To my Clients and Customers, to whom I say a big thank you for your support, trust and referrals this year. It's a pleasure working with you and assisting you with your property journey.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday time, and I hope the year ahead brings you lots of joy, satisfaction and success.
#mairangibay #campbellsbay #murraysbay #rothesaybay #pinehill #windsorpark #rosedale #sunnynook #rosedale #castorbay #torbay #milfordbeach #forresthill #brownsbay #northcross #oteha #totaravale #unsworthheights #hillcrest #takapuna #northshoreauckland #northshorehomenz
#eastcoastbays #sellwithgabrielle #buywithgabrielle
#barfootmairangi #barfootmairangibay #barfootandthompson

5 hours ago

Monday Knowledge

Kurien Thomas from The Flea 88.2 FM

Where can we find this sculpture and why was it etched into the building?
