181 days ago

Guava moth currently active

David from Pakuranga Heights

Guava moth is a widespread and notorious pest which lays its eggs on almost any type of fruit. EG, I have a bountiful plum tree and at least 95% of the plums are devastated by this pest every season. I'm not exaggerating. You'll notice pin holes drilled into your fruit and, on examining the interior of the fruit, you'll find the larvae (grub) has burrowed all-round the stone etc, making the fruit inedible. They'll even have a go at citrus.
One means of limiting this pest is to pick up fallen fruit asap and dump it in a bucket of water. Even unripe fruit. Within hours the grub will emerge. Let it drown! This won't cure the problem of guava moth but it helps limit second generation.
There seems to be no effective spray, even tho' neem oil has been recommended. Difficult with plums as the skin is moisture-resistant so nothing sticks. Except the bl. guava moth!
Please pick up your fallen fruit, which will at least help your neighbours. Don't compost them as the grub can still emerge and pupate. Rather drown them or seal in a plastic bag.

Many thanks, David H.

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Obsidian (the software, not the rock!)

Waruna from Pakuranga Heights

Are you familiar with something called Obsidian? (a new, free, note-making software).

I am attached to a couple of tertiary institutions and I plan to make a seminar regarding Obsidian soon. If you don't mind, are you able to please fill the following Google form for me so it would inform my presentation?

Thank you very much.