175 days ago


The Team from Volunteer Wellington

Are you keen to support your community? Have you thought about volunteering? You'll gain valuable skills and support your community at the same time! We have hundreds of volunteer roles on our website. You can search by location and/or role category, e.g, Animals, Practical Help, Retail, Environment, Administration, etc. Check them out at the link below!

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10 hours ago

Do you know the answer?

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has 88 keys but can’t open a door?

Click 'Like' if you know the answer!

The answer will be revealed here at 2pm.

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1 day ago

Thinking of going duck hunting this year?

Te Tari Pūreke

Hi neighbours - to those of you taking part in the opening weekend of duck season, or beyond, the team at Te Tari Pūreke – Firearms Safety Authority hope you will stay safe. We’ve got some simple hints, tips and useful links on our hunter safety page.

Make this duck season a great one by following the seven rules of firearms safety. We urge duck hunters to treat every shotgun in the maimai as loaded, and to save the drinks until after firearms have been safely locked away for the day. Remember, it takes more than luck to bag a duck.

Mike McIlraith – Director of Partnerships
Find out more

5 days ago

What's On: Beyond the Ark

Elizabeth from Tirohanga

Voices in the Wind choir presents animal themed music. Featuring Rosemary Russell's Prayers from the Ark, Saint Saens, Handel, Beatles and Elton John. Tickets Waged $20, Unwaged $15 from www.trybooking.co.nz
Beyond the Ark
  • Tawa Baptist Church