Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust

Community Organisation

Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust
We come to you
934 days ago

Dementia and the risk of going missing

The Team from Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust

With the recent tragic case of Shirley Warrington going missing WanderSearch Canterbury would like to remind families that our service provides Wandatrak devices free from our Loan bank for people who have a risk of going missing due to cognitive impairment.

1530 days ago

Have you heard about WanderSearch Canterbury?

The Team from Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust

WanderSearch Canterbury provides tracking devices to people suffering from cognitive impairment and who have a tendency to wander, get disorientated and lost. The cognitive impairment may be due to, for example, Dementia, brain injury or conditions such as Autism. Regardless of the issue we can … View moreWanderSearch Canterbury provides tracking devices to people suffering from cognitive impairment and who have a tendency to wander, get disorientated and lost. The cognitive impairment may be due to, for example, Dementia, brain injury or conditions such as Autism. Regardless of the issue we can help by supplying tracking devices free of charge through our Device Loan bank.
Working with NZ Police, if your loved one gets lost and is wearing a Wandatrak device they will in almost all instances be found in very short time preventing unnecessary stress and potential loss of life.
If you would like to know more contact Linda at WanderSearch Canterbury.

  • Officials
  • The Team Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust