Waiatarua Dog Fans

Community Organisation

Waiatarua Dog Fans
Eastview Road
Glen Innes
1574 days ago

Looking for things to do with your dogs in Auckland?

Admin from Waiatarua Dog Fans

On a slightly different note to the proposed enhancements to Waiatarua reserve, here's a great article on some things you can do with your pooches in Auckland (click read more).

1591 days ago

Petition to retain off-leash area at Waiatarua Reserve

Admin from Waiatarua Dog Fans

The numbers on this petition (over 6,250!!) show the support behind retaining status quo at Waitarua Reserve with the off-leash area.
If you support this, please sign the petition www.change.org...

1604 days ago

Dog Owner? Concerned that the Orakei Local Board isn't listening to the people it represents?

Admin from Waiatarua Dog Fans

At their business meeting held on 5 December 2019 the Orakei Local Board voted to adopt the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan. This plan includes a change that will directly affect the main user group of the Reserve (dog walkers) and includes a proposal for an additional ON-LEASH area in the … View moreAt their business meeting held on 5 December 2019 the Orakei Local Board voted to adopt the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan. This plan includes a change that will directly affect the main user group of the Reserve (dog walkers) and includes a proposal for an additional ON-LEASH area in the Reserve.

12 (c) request Parks and Places add an item to its 2020/2021 work programme to undertake a bylaw review of dog exercise areas in Waiatarua Reserve, in line with the Waiatarua Enhancement Plan.

(see proposed area in image of top section of reserve below).

The Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan now includes an area that could potentially see dogs leashed - including a segment of the main perimeter walking track.

Frequent users of the park - Waiatarua Dog Walkers (587 members) presented evidence to the Board at this business meeting showing strong opposition to the inclusion of this proposal in the Reserve Plan. The Waiatarua Reserve Protection group who have been working in the Reserve for decades were also strongly opposed, and wanted this area removed from the Plan. Nonetheless - the Orakei Local Board disregarded the main user groups and included this provision together with a request to Parks & Places greenlighting the process. No reasons were given for this decision at the business meeting and no reasons have been given despite a subsequent email request to the Board to provide them.

For those unaware of the reserve and its current use, there is currently a well established play ground complete with facilities and parking at the South West end of the reserve. This group supports the enhancement of this play ground area which is already ON LEASH, and believes the Board should be focusing on water quality monitoring and enhancement of the wetlands rather than wasting time and money on by-law changes that are not wanted by the main users of the Reserve (see image of stagnant stream).

If you are a dog fan and support retaining the current off-leash areas in the reserve so our pooches can continue to have a safe and secure space to exercise then please help us get heard by signing the petition. www.change.org...

1603 days ago

Auckland dog owners fear beloved off-leash park under threat

Admin from Waiatarua Dog Fans

Interested in hearing more about the proposals? Here is a fairly recent Stuff article.
