Stopping Violence Services

Community Organisation

Stopping Violence Services
36 Lismore St Christchurch
2979 days ago

White Ribbon Day is Friday the 25th Nov.

Derek Dean from Stopping Violence Services

Cantabrians: Starting with Respect

This year White Ribbon Day event to be held in Cathedral Square in Christchurch on Friday 25 November 2016 from 5pm – 7pm.

In your own area you could show support for the day by tying a white ribbon around a tree, a pole or your car....

White Ribbon … View more
Cantabrians: Starting with Respect

This year White Ribbon Day event to be held in Cathedral Square in Christchurch on Friday 25 November 2016 from 5pm – 7pm.

In your own area you could show support for the day by tying a white ribbon around a tree, a pole or your car....

White Ribbon Day is an international event designed to raise awareness of family violence and asks men to be part of the solution.
The White Ribbon Day awareness campaign is being run in partnership by Canterbury Police, Canterbury District Health Board, Canterbury Family Violence Collaboration, Christchurch City Council, Ministry of Justice, Accident Compensation Corporation and Ministry of Social Development.
