Sport Auckland - Green Prescription

Community Organisation

Sport Auckland - Green Prescription
Level 4
Alexandra Park Function Centre
Gate B
Greenlane Road West. Auckland

Sport Auckland provides delivers the Green Prescription health and wellness programme in both the Auckland City and Counties Manukau region for adults aged 18 years+ Green Prescription (GRx) is a referral based health and wellness programme for adults 18 years and over. It is best suited for adults who would like support and motivation to get active and improve their lifestyle.

It is delivered through group sessions in various communities in Auckland and Counties-Manukau.

What can you expect ?

> Initial one-on-one consultation with a Healthy Lifestyle Advisor

> Weekly group sessions involving physical activity and lifestyle education

> Group workshops by a Registered Dietitian

> Group workshops by various health agencies

> Phone support

> Graduation at the end of 12 weeks

> A healthier and more active lifestyle!

Activities and group workshops may vary from community to community.


> 18 years and over

> Ready to make changes to their lifestyle.

> Have a stable medical condition that could benefit from regular physical activity.

> Are at risk of developing a medical condition due to a sedentary lifestyle

To get started or to find out more, ask your GP for a referral or contact Sport Auckland on 09 623 7900 or calling 0800 ACTIVE (0800 22 8483). Our website also has plenty of useful tips and information