Mahora Community Resilience

Community Organisation

667 days ago

Emergency Alert

Kevin Tinker from Mahora Community Resilience

We’re testing the Emergency Mobile Alert (EMA) system on Sunday, 28 May, between 6-7pm.

The alert will be broadcast from cell towers across New Zealand to all capable phones. So, you don’t need to download an app or subscribe to a service to receive it.

In a real-life emergency … View more
We’re testing the Emergency Mobile Alert (EMA) system on Sunday, 28 May, between 6-7pm.

The alert will be broadcast from cell towers across New Zealand to all capable phones. So, you don’t need to download an app or subscribe to a service to receive it.

In a real-life emergency situation, an alert may be sent to target areas affected by serious hazards. If you get an alert, stop, read the message, and take it seriously. It will tell you what the emergency is and what to do. It will also tell you which agency sent the message and if needed, where to go for more information.

Emergency Mobile Alerts are not meant to replace other emergency alerts or the need to take action after natural warnings. Don't wait for an official warning if you feel your life is in danger. Take immediate action.

Find out more about Emergency Mobile Alerts

Get Ready — Emergency preparedness in New Zealand (
Emergency Mobile Alert
Find out about Emergency Mobile Alert. Emergency Mobile Alerts keep people safe. Alerts are broadcast to all capable phones from targeted cell towers.

670 days ago


Kevin Tinker from

Cyclone Response and Recovery.
I welcome other community minded neighbours to contact me who might be interested in forming a Community Resilience Group for our suburb.

I have been very active the last 3months mainly focussing on networking to support the Esk Valley residents. This networking… View more
Cyclone Response and Recovery.
I welcome other community minded neighbours to contact me who might be interested in forming a Community Resilience Group for our suburb.

I have been very active the last 3months mainly focussing on networking to support the Esk Valley residents. This networking involved my contacts with Nourished4Nil, Freedom Lovers HB, Voices for Freedom, Civil Defence, the Zeb Jackson clean up crew, the River Of Silt clean up crew and several others. Clean up crews are still looking for volunteers so they can operate a rotational system as we still have to get on with our lives to pay the bills. Please contact me if you can help from digging out silt, making lunch for the crews, driving a digger, truck, water blaster or vacuum cleaner to skills with forklift, chain saws etc.

This recovery is going to take a minimum of 2 years to get the basic rail, road, power and phone connections back to some level of normal. For many residents it is a case of never being able to recover where they now own only the clothes on their backs and items donated.

I am a volunteer with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group and wish to focus on taking our suburb ahead to a level of initial response to a disaster without depending on government agencies.

Kevin Tinker..... 027 4051336

906 days ago

Hastings Community Patrol

Kevin Tinker from

Hastings Community Patrol (HACP)
The Hastings Community Patrol is a team of local volunteers that play a key role in keeping our local communities safe. We are a group of dedicated volunteers who patrol the Hastings central, urban, and rural areas focusing on crime prevention. We act as extra … View more
Hastings Community Patrol (HACP)
The Hastings Community Patrol is a team of local volunteers that play a key role in keeping our local communities safe. We are a group of dedicated volunteers who patrol the Hastings central, urban, and rural areas focusing on crime prevention. We act as extra 'eyes and ears' for police, noting anything that could be suspicious and informing police of incidents requiring urgent attention. We also work closely with the
Hastings District Council and other organizations sharing a similar interest in community safety.

Quote from the local police “Community Patrols are invaluable to Police, they keep an eye on neighbourhoods, and provide valuable intelligence to Police who cannot be everywhere at once”

We carry out day and night patrols in our own sign written vehicle that is easily identified by the community.

Our patrol members are fully trained as per National CPNZ protocols. Volunteering with Hastings Community Patrol is a great way to make our local community safer and offers a great way of being part of a volunteer team.

We would like to encourage other like-minded community members to join our highly motivated and committed team. You just need to be keen to learn, keen eyes and ears, friendly and honest and hold a current driving license. We are a diverse group of Hastings locals.

So, if you have the time, commitment and want to put something back into the community Hastings, Community Patrol is seeing new members to join.

Getting started:

Your first step is to express your interest by contacting our recruitment website or contact Glen on

All applications will be Police vetted.

Join us and be part of the Hastings volunteer community.


915 days ago

Times Are Getting Tougher.

Kevin Tinker from

With inflation and the poor policing directives from government, we are seeing an increase in crime and expensive grocery carts.
Three years ago we tried to form a Mahora Community Resilience group with insufficient support at that stage.
Is it time NOW to know your neighbours better and form … View more
With inflation and the poor policing directives from government, we are seeing an increase in crime and expensive grocery carts.
Three years ago we tried to form a Mahora Community Resilience group with insufficient support at that stage.
Is it time NOW to know your neighbours better and form groups for support? YES it is, as evidenced by pods being formed under the "The People's Reserve and other communities are starting to form interest and focus groups.
LAC, Fire and Emergency, Civil Defence and Hastings District Council have now been contacted for guidance and an update.
