Lucinda Community Orchard

Community Organisation

Lucinda Community Orchard
6 Lucinda Place Glen Eden

Established in 2007 as a collaboration between Project Twin Streams, council and community Lucinda Community Orchard is slowly been developed as a community garden and orchard. The orchard is just under an acre half of which is meadow and orchard and the other half orchard and annual and perennial food crops. There are around 40 fruit trees and an effort has been made to ensure harvesting is year round with different varieties of apple, pear, peach, nectarine, mandarin, orange, plum, fig, lemon, lime, persimmon and feijoa. The garden is now run by community volunteers and efforts underway to really utilise the space to grow food for ourselves, the community and for wider food distribution for those in need. All food is grown organically using permaculture and other regenerative gardening practices that support the creation of healthy ecosystems, soil and plants.There is enormous potential for this space not only in what we can grow but as an educational, creative community space. So if you are interested look out for postings of upcoming working bees and other events on our Facebook page.